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Our Favorite Online Resources of the Week

Navigating the harsh waters of business takes lots of resolve and a willingness to use the resources available to you. That’s why every Thursday we’d like to help share some of the resources we think are valuable. Here are this week’s picks.

1. The Changing Face of Public Relations

The online world has changed, and the ripples continue to affect all aspects of media relations. With that comes a changing set of tools, but valuable content still reigns supreme.

2. Local PR: 5 Ways Your Small Business Can Get Coverage

When you’re ready to show your product or service to your niche audience, press can help you.

You may dream of landing a placement in the national media; however, local PR is way easier to get, and with practically all media having an online component, what’s local still gets shared globally.

3. Most Innovative Companies 2012: Red Bull Media House

Red Bull demonstrates why it’s important to stay informed about areas outside your niche.

Realizing that media companies were getting all the attention, Red Bull decided to create content that would naturally be desirable and sharable in that space. And guess what? Their sales have soared.

4. Relying On Resources, With Richard Laermer

Founder and CEO of RLM Public Relations, Richard Laermer explains how business owners can know when seeking third-party validation, by hiring a PR firm, is the right move. He also discusses why knowing who to follow can get leaders ahead.


About the author, David Shriner-Cahn

David is the podcast host and community builder behind Smashing the Plateau, an online platform offering resources, accountability, and camaraderie to high-performing professionals who are making the leap from the corporate career track to entrepreneurial business ownership.

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