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Wendy Lipton-Dibner’s 3 Books On Business And Self-Reflection

Yesterday we brought you Wendy Lipton-Dibner, a seasoned executive and organizational coach. Wendy likes to talk about finding what actually scares you and harnessing that power to use it as fuel. (If you missed Wendy, go back and listen here.)

In her business travels, Wendy has looked inside herself to discover how to do her own job better. These insights have been laid out in three books, which not only help businesspeople but propel Wendy along her path.

1. The Expert Success Solution

This is a collaboration with publisher and speaker Rick Frishman. The Expert Success Solution includes nearly two dozen accounts of success from people around the business world who hail from all different industries.

I like to use it as a way to remind myself that success looks very different to a lot of people. What I call success isn’t always what others may, but the skeleton to achieve both is usually the same.

2. Shatter Your Speed Limits

Four stories of roller coaster success show that turbulence is part of the deal of being an entrepreneur. As I wrote this book, it was quickly apparent that I wasn’t just spreading a message to people. It was helping me understand the barriers I needed to break through, which only motivated me to keep writing.

3. M.A.D. Leadership for Healthcare

I tried to take a more formal approach with this book. I wanted to give healthcare professionals the keys to improve their relationships with patients, because cooperation is too often ignored in the doctor’s office. Good leadership strategies can span industries, and this was my test to tackle one of the most complex.


About the author, David Shriner-Cahn

David is the podcast host and community builder behind Smashing the Plateau, an online platform offering resources, accountability, and camaraderie to high-performing professionals who are making the leap from the corporate career track to entrepreneurial business ownership.

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