Belanie Dishong: Business and Life Success Through Mindset

Belanie Dishong is a mindset success strategist, international speaker and international bestselling author. She is an expert in the field of personal and professional development serving an international audience.
We discuss:
- Walking through life with blindfolds [2:00]
- You are the common denominator of it all [4:23]
- Why being a positive thinker is insufficient to reach the results you want [8:28]
- The magic little piece that breaks the plateau [14:29]
- The moment when you are face-to-face with the source of inconsistency [18:08]
- Signs that show you have repeating patterns in a certain area of your life [23:00]
- How many of 350,000 choices a day we actually make consciously [26:00]
Belanie has had the honor of speaking at Harvard Business School, PayPal, Gallaudet University in Washington D.C. and various TV interviews. Through Belanie’s own personal trials and successes she has developed unique programs that have afforded thousands of people the opportunity to live more abundant lives both personally and professionally. For over 24 years, Belanie has provided programs that have helped thousands of people have greater and more loving relationships, career and business growth, and financial breakthroughs.
Those who know Belanie and her incredible work fondly refer to her as Keeper of the Heart.
Learn more about Belanie at, LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook.
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A webinar on positive thinking
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