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STP002: Redefining Partnership with Patty Soffer

Redefining Partnership with Patty Soffer

Patty Soffer had a career that most people would have envied…until it came crashing down around her. In this interview, we talk about Patty’s quest to uncover the hidden causes of her company’s collapse, what she discovered, and how she ultimately built herself up even stronger.

Topics include…

  • Why every business is a partnership no matter how it’s structured
  • The most common reasons partnerships hit the skids
  • Why profits always follow people, not the other way around
  • The true meaning of accountability and why it matters
  • Why business and personal always go together
  • How to prevent partnership problems from sinking an otherwise healthy business

Patty Soffer started her career as a top fashion model and went on to found one of Florida’s largest and most successful ad agencies, Soffer Adkins. Today she is the bestselling author of Partnership or Partnersh*t: You Decide and founder of a Human Foundation, among many other ventures.

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About the author, David Shriner-Cahn

David is the podcast host and community builder behind Smashing the Plateau, an online platform offering resources, accountability, and camaraderie to high-performing professionals who are making the leap from the corporate career track to entrepreneurial business ownership.

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