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STP074: Building a Winning Sales Culture Through Proven Processes: Jack Daly on the Systems that Engender Successes

STP074: Building a Winning Sales Culture Through Proven Processes: Jack Daly on the Systems that Engender Successes

Sales and sales management expert Jack Daly has built 6 companies into national organizations, two of which he subsequently sold to the Wall Street firms. Today, he delivers keynote and general session presentations on sales; he has also been a cited influencer for several prior guests on Smashing the Plateau. Here, he argues that having a proven system for sales and sales management in place is a “differentiator” for business success, and that companies need to consciously work to create a winning company culture, and prioritize quality and training over speed when growing their sales force and helping individual salespeople become more effective.

He also discusses:

  • How sports teams—who never take the field without systems, processes, preparation, training, and practice—are more prepared for success than “most businesses in the world today.”
  • The central importance of a playbook for success
  • Why people and companies tend to underperform compared to their potential because they “run to the urgent at the expense of the important”
  • The importance of executing simple, basic things that work—and executing them well. “Take a breath! Don’t be in such a hurry to go out into the marketplace. Figure out what works, and then build it in your processes.”
  • The four necessary legs of a winning company culture, and how to begin implementing them: Recognition systems; communication systems; personal and professional development processes; and employee empowerment processes.

Daly is currently developing a companion book to his bestselling Hyper Sales Growth, titled The Sales Playbook for Hyper Sales Growth, which will provide more details on the systems and processes described in Hyper Sales Growth, along with timelines for putting them into play.

To learn more about Daly, visit JackDaly.net or call (888) 298-6868.





About the author, David Shriner-Cahn

David is the podcast host and community builder behind Smashing the Plateau, an online platform offering resources, accountability, and camaraderie to high-performing professionals who are making the leap from the corporate career track to entrepreneurial business ownership.

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