STP092: Making Friends and Influencing People with Business Coach Jason Treu

Jason Treu joins Smashing the Plateau this week to discuss the power of relationships in the business world and how to develop the relationship-building skill sets that will be key to your success. He emphasizes how essential skills such as building rapport, likeability, and trust, can be developed by anyone at any point in their career. Jason outlines specific steps to build self-confidence, become engaging and influential, and form relationships with the right people. His philosophy that everything we accomplish depends on other people inspires him to invest in the people around him, and to seek out accomplices, mentors, or simply those with common ground to move his business passion forward.
He also discusses:
- Creating a business people want to work for
- Forming habits around strong communication
- Following your passions and the importance of making your journey measurable
- The value of building relationships with busy people
Jason is a top business coach, speaker and author. He’s a leading expert on social engineering, influence, persuasion, and networking. At the heart of his strategy is the understanding that people and your relationships are your true “wealth.”
Jason’s bestselling book, Social Wealth, a how-to-guide on building personal and professional relationships, has sold more than 30,000 copies and has been #1 in four business and self-help categories. Jason is also a frequent contributor to publications such as Brazen Careerist, Thought Catalog, Under30 CEO, KillerStartups, and others.
Learn more about Jason and his business coaching live at, on Twitter (@jasontreu), on LinkedIn (JasonTreu), or at his website.