Why Your Vision Needs to be BIG Featuring Natalie Ledwell

Dame Natalie Ledwell is a bestselling author, host of the podcast, Not Over, Just Different, co-host of the cable TV show WAKE UP, and founder of Mind Movies, the hugely successful and revolutionary online Personal Development company that has reached over 10 million people worldwide.
In today’s episode of Smashing the Plateau, you will learn how to identify your niche and create a BIG vision to turn it into reality.
Natalie and I discuss:
- How she found her audience [02:26]
- Why personal development and mindset are her primary focus [03:15]
- How to wind down activities as you are launching something new [05:46]
- Why surrounding yourself with the right people is critical to your success [10:31]
- The importance of a BIG vision [15:03]
- How 50+ year old women can achieve success that fills their soul [16:45]
Learn more about Natalie at:
Always have that big number in mind, because like
Natalie Ledwell:I said, if you don't put it out there, then you'll never reach it.
Natalie Ledwell:And the thing is, as you keep getting to these little milestones and achieving
Natalie Ledwell:these, you are starting to gather all this evidence and all this proof,
Natalie Ledwell:that, what you're doing is working
David Shriner-Cahn:Welcome to Smashing the Plateau.
David Shriner-Cahn:We help consultants, coaches, entrepreneurs, and small business
David Shriner-Cahn:owners build their business after a long career as an employed professional.
David Shriner-Cahn:We believe you should be able to do what you love and get paid
David Shriner-Cahn:what you are worth, consistently.
David Shriner-Cahn:I'm your host, David Shriner-Cahn.
David Shriner-Cahn:Today on Smashing the Plateau, I'm speaking with best selling
David Shriner-Cahn:author and co-founder of Mind Movies, Natalie Ledwell.
David Shriner-Cahn:In today's episode, you'll learn how to identify your niche and create a
David Shriner-Cahn:big vision to turn it into reality.
David Shriner-Cahn:Stay with us to hear all the details.
David Shriner-Cahn:How do you feel about your progress toward your vision?
David Shriner-Cahn:Would you like to be part of a structured, supportive process to help you implement
David Shriner-Cahn:ideas that you know would help you move the needle toward your goals?
David Shriner-Cahn:As a member of the Smashing the Plateau Community, you'll have access
David Shriner-Cahn:to a structured process for growth.
David Shriner-Cahn:You'll also be a member of a community that is built to be a safe, caring place
David Shriner-Cahn:where inclusive, direct, active, and empowering conversations are welcome.
David Shriner-Cahn:Inside the Smashing the Plateau Community, you'll find a range of
David Shriner-Cahn:tools and resources to support you as an entrepreneur, access to experts
David Shriner-Cahn:and answers to your burning questions.
David Shriner-Cahn:If you are committed to getting your consulting, coaching, or small business
David Shriner-Cahn:to grow on your own terms, so that you can deliver great results to your ideal
David Shriner-Cahn:clients, while supporting the lifestyle you want, and you don't want to do
David Shriner-Cahn:it alone, apply to become a member of the Smashing the Plateau Community.
David Shriner-Cahn:Learn more at smashingtheplateau.com.
David Shriner-Cahn:Now, let's welcome Natalie Ledwell.
David Shriner-Cahn:Dame Natalie Ledwell is a bests selling author host of the podcast, Not Over,
David Shriner-Cahn:Just Different, co-host of the cable TV show, WAKE UP, and founder of
David Shriner-Cahn:Mind Movies, the usually successful and revolutionary online personal
David Shriner-Cahn:development company that has reached over 10 million people worldwide.
David Shriner-Cahn:Natalie, welcome to the show.
Natalie Ledwell:Hey, David, how are you?
David Shriner-Cahn:Great.
David Shriner-Cahn:Tell me a little bit about your audience.
Natalie Ledwell:My audience is actually me.
Natalie Ledwell:I know that often when we're giving people advice about, going out and
Natalie Ledwell:starting a business to go find your tribe.
Natalie Ledwell:Who's your tribe?
Natalie Ledwell:I just found that I just showed up as myself and then what attracted to me
Natalie Ledwell:was women who are similar to me, they're in middle age, maybe coming out of a
Natalie Ledwell:marriage or the kids have gone off to college or whatever that is, and they're
Natalie Ledwell:looking at this next chapter of their life and going, how do I contribute?
Natalie Ledwell:How do I make a difference?
Natalie Ledwell:How can I, still do something.
Natalie Ledwell:It's not like my life is over.
Natalie Ledwell:I still wanna be able to do something that's fulfilling.
Natalie Ledwell:So that's normally who my, my audience is.
Natalie Ledwell:And I normally talk a lot about personal development and mindset.
Natalie Ledwell:In the aspect of how do I apply those principles to a business or to a
Natalie Ledwell:new vocation or something like that.
David Shriner-Cahn:Why have you chosen personal development and mindset
David Shriner-Cahn:as the primary areas to focus on?
Natalie Ledwell:Ah, I got into Mind Movies or started Mind
Natalie Ledwell:Movies totally by accident.
Natalie Ledwell:A serendipitous series of events, let's just say The Secret had just
Natalie Ledwell:came out in 2006 and talking about the Law of Attraction, Oprah had
Natalie Ledwell:just interviewed, a lot of the main teachers from that movie and everyone
Natalie Ledwell:was talking about visualization.
Natalie Ledwell:Now at the time I had four businesses.
Natalie Ledwell:That I was running at the same time with my husband concurrently.
Natalie Ledwell:And, yeah, it was crazy.
Natalie Ledwell:And a friend of ours approached us with this idea of creating a little
Natalie Ledwell:movie, like a little slideshow, which was his version of a vision board.
Natalie Ledwell:So it helped people to be able to visualize the life they wanted to live.
Natalie Ledwell:Now it was a hot topic around the world.
Natalie Ledwell:Oprah had just featured The Secret.
Natalie Ledwell:let's go into business and set up, website and we're like, dude, first
Natalie Ledwell:of all, we've got four businesses.
Natalie Ledwell:I got no time for this, even though I knew it was a great idea.
Natalie Ledwell:And the other thing was that I knew nothing about the internet.
Natalie Ledwell:My husband could hardly turn on a computer.
Natalie Ledwell:And I hadn't even heard of YouTube.
Natalie Ledwell:I know someone was trying to describe a social network to me.
Natalie Ledwell:I go, wait a minute, you put your personal details on a website on the internet.
Natalie Ledwell:Why would anyone do that?
Natalie Ledwell:That's how little I knew when we got started put a little video on YouTube.
Natalie Ledwell:We had so much traffic coming from that, we made our first three sales
Natalie Ledwell:and the second day we had that video up, which was very exciting.
Natalie Ledwell:And then within a few months we had that many emails coming from people
Natalie Ledwell:going, this is changing my life.
Natalie Ledwell:We're like, all right, these are the businesses, whatever.
Natalie Ledwell:We've gotta focus on this.
Natalie Ledwell:This is it.
Natalie Ledwell:It really ignited something in me where I'm like, no, we can
Natalie Ledwell:really make a difference here.
Natalie Ledwell:And it was something I'm like, we have to figure out this internet thing.
David Shriner-Cahn:yeah.
David Shriner-Cahn:And was there something specific in the content that you put up that you
David Shriner-Cahn:think was really attractive to people?
Natalie Ledwell:It was just a really simple idea.
Natalie Ledwell:You know the idea of, with a vision board, normally people will cut out a photo
Natalie Ledwell:of the house they want, or the car or the vacation, so that when they look at
Natalie Ledwell:those photos, they can imagine themselves in that house or on that vacation.
Natalie Ledwell:But when you had this dynamic moving little video that has
Natalie Ledwell:affirmations, that describes what it is that you want with the photos.
Natalie Ledwell:And then you add the music to that, that like the soundtrack to it.
Natalie Ledwell:when we are visualizing what's most important is how we feel like we need to
Natalie Ledwell:feel what it's like to already be there.
Natalie Ledwell:And so the music was like the secret source.
Natalie Ledwell:So having such a simple idea like that, I, my first career was in fitness.
Natalie Ledwell:I started managing fitness clubs when I was 21 years.
Natalie Ledwell:Talk my way into this job.
Natalie Ledwell:I had no idea what I was doing.
Natalie Ledwell:I'm like, I reckon I could do a better job than you, but it, this is
Natalie Ledwell:how I cut my entrepreneurial teeth.
Natalie Ledwell:I was managing other people's businesses.
Natalie Ledwell:So by the time I finally went into my own, I'd had all this experience, which
Natalie Ledwell:was fantastic, but my bosses at the time would send me to the Tony Robins
Natalie Ledwell:and the Jim Rohn and the Zig Zeigler.
Natalie Ledwell:And so I was always a student.
Natalie Ledwell:Personal development.
Natalie Ledwell:And I always felt like I had this positive career now, my first
Natalie Ledwell:business after that was a nightclub.
Natalie Ledwell:So I had this stark contrast of going from somewhere where I think I was doing
Natalie Ledwell:something positive to this, oh my God.
Natalie Ledwell:I'm creating an environment for people that to go out and drink and
Natalie Ledwell:have a very unhealthy lifestyle.
Natalie Ledwell:Getting back, you know, when we were receiving these emails, sparking
Natalie Ledwell:that thing inside of me, I'm like, Ooh, I remember this feeling.
Natalie Ledwell:This is what I used to do when I was younger.
Natalie Ledwell:and it felt like I was home.
Natalie Ledwell:It felt like, no, this is exactly where I'm meant to be.
Natalie Ledwell:Which is not what I felt when I was in that nightclub.
Natalie Ledwell:So when it of ignited those deeper feelings for me, I'm like, okay,
Natalie Ledwell:I need to really pay attention to
Natalie Ledwell:this.
Natalie Ledwell:How hard was it to say no to those four existing business?
Natalie Ledwell:We didn't say no straight away.
Natalie Ledwell:And, and this is it, anyone who's looking to, to go into a business,
Natalie Ledwell:I don't, and I think you are the same, we have the same opinion here.
Natalie Ledwell:Don't jump in and and just cut your ties.
Natalie Ledwell:We still, we had our, my husband's, brother come in and run a couple of
Natalie Ledwell:the coffee franchises that we had.
Natalie Ledwell:One of the other one was like a network marketing business.
Natalie Ledwell:So we were still able to run that, because it was mainly online.
Natalie Ledwell:so we still able to maintain some of those businesses, why we started
Natalie Ledwell:to dabble into Mind Movies and looking what that looked like.
Natalie Ledwell:We ended up buying a program, a few months in cuz we're like, how do
Natalie Ledwell:we do the internet marketing thing?
Natalie Ledwell:And then we realized you could buy programs that would
Natalie Ledwell:teach you how to do that.
Natalie Ledwell:And so we bought one program, it was a $2,000 investment, which
Natalie Ledwell:at the time for us was huge.
Natalie Ledwell:And you, we've never spent $2,000 online for anything.
Natalie Ledwell:It's what if it's a scam?
Natalie Ledwell:we had to go through that whole process.
Natalie Ledwell:But we implemented one idea.
Natalie Ledwell:From that program and instantly made our money back.
Natalie Ledwell:We're like, okay, this is crazy.
Natalie Ledwell:And that's when we went, okay, how do we get more of this?
Natalie Ledwell:Like we were hooked and the man who actually created that
Natalie Ledwell:program, his name was Frank Kern.
Natalie Ledwell:Who's a legend in internet marketing circles.
Natalie Ledwell:And he announced he was doing a live event in April of 2008 in San Diego.
Natalie Ledwell:So we packed up you know we came over to the US.
Natalie Ledwell:We attended that seminar.
Natalie Ledwell:And one of the biggest things that happened to us at that
Natalie Ledwell:seminar is that we were accepted into Frank's mastermind group.
Natalie Ledwell:And we ended up staying in the US for the next five months, working our
Natalie Ledwell:butts off, meeting with Frank being part of that group, even our social
Natalie Ledwell:circle where internet marketers.
Natalie Ledwell:So even in a social setting, we were learning, we were like sponges, like
Natalie Ledwell:gathering all the information that we could so that we could do our big launch,
Natalie Ledwell:in September of 2008, which as is when the economic crisis hit the planet, everyone's
Natalie Ledwell:losing their homes and their jobs.
Natalie Ledwell:We'd had accumulated $120,000 on credit cards, which, once we realized
Natalie Ledwell:what was happening economically, we had a little meltdown.
Natalie Ledwell:We're like, okay, this has gotta work.
Natalie Ledwell:Otherwise we're toast.
Natalie Ledwell:And in the end, we ended up doing like a $700,000 launch
Natalie Ledwell:selling a little $97 program.
Natalie Ledwell:And it could have gone either way, but it just happened to be the right time for
Natalie Ledwell:this kind of a product, cuz it was simple.
Natalie Ledwell:It was easy.
Natalie Ledwell:And it was helping people have hope and to feel more optimistic about their
Natalie Ledwell:future, especially given the events of what was just happening in the world.
David Shriner-Cahn:Yeah.
David Shriner-Cahn:So do you feel like you, like there was some serendipity, in the timing and also
David Shriner-Cahn:what kind of product you chose to offer?
Natalie Ledwell:Yes and no.
Natalie Ledwell:Yes, we had decided way before the economic crisis hit that
Natalie Ledwell:this was what we were gonna do.
Natalie Ledwell:We already planned the date we had already, had done all of that.
Natalie Ledwell:But what we also did, and this is what was the difference between the massive
Natalie Ledwell:success that we had with Mind Movies and all the other businesses that we had.
Natalie Ledwell:We had varying degrees of success with the other businesses.
Natalie Ledwell:We made good money and, and we lost some, and we learned a lot of lessons,
Natalie Ledwell:a lot of lessons along the way, but what made the difference with this particular
Natalie Ledwell:business is that for me, I believe we were applying everything that we were teaching.
Natalie Ledwell:We had created a Mind Movies specifically about that launch.
Natalie Ledwell:We talked about the amount of customers that we were attracting, the type of
Natalie Ledwell:people that we were attracting, the amount of money that we were going to
Natalie Ledwell:make, what our business looked like.
Natalie Ledwell:we were very specific about what that looked like.
Natalie Ledwell:And every day we were focusing on that.
Natalie Ledwell:and low and behold, that's exactly what we created because we were very clear about
Natalie Ledwell:where it is that we wanted to end up.
Natalie Ledwell:We were very strategic about surrounding ourselves with the right people and
Natalie Ledwell:the right help and the right support.
Natalie Ledwell:we could have friends in our life that'll, be our little cheerleaders
Natalie Ledwell:for us, but we had a step up from that.
Natalie Ledwell:Our email list went from 8,000 to 80,000 in a week.
Natalie Ledwell:That's how quickly we were, gathering email, for the database and the email
Natalie Ledwell:delivery system shut down our account, cuz they were convinced we were doing
Natalie Ledwell:something illegal, cuz they'd never seen anything grow that quickly.
Natalie Ledwell:And if it wasn't for Frank being able to get on the phone with them and
Natalie Ledwell:go look, no, these guys are legit.
Natalie Ledwell:You know it wasn't just you know, I'm gonna help.
Natalie Ledwell:I'm, I wanna support you, but it's I've got the specific help that you need.
Natalie Ledwell:And believe me, everything that could go wrong, went wrong on that launch,
Natalie Ledwell:so many things, but we had the right people around us to help us to get
Natalie Ledwell:through all of those challenges.
David Shriner-Cahn:Yeah.
David Shriner-Cahn:No, it sounds like the fact that you spent all of this time trying to
David Shriner-Cahn:learn what you needed to learn and have access to the people who had
David Shriner-Cahn:expertise, that would be helpful.
David Shriner-Cahn:that was really critical.
Natalie Ledwell:Yeah.
Natalie Ledwell:And I think too, for me, especially like I was so far outside my comfort zone, the
Natalie Ledwell:only thing, the only there's two programs, I knew how to use on a computer when we
Natalie Ledwell:started that company was Word and MYOB, which was the bookkeeping, software, which
Natalie Ledwell:is the only reason I used a computer.
Natalie Ledwell:To create invoices and to do bookkeeping.
Natalie Ledwell:So I'm having to learn how to write emails, set up order responders, edit
Natalie Ledwell:videos, build websites, all these things.
Natalie Ledwell:And it's so far outside my comfort zone and I was 40 years old at the time.
Natalie Ledwell:So to say that it was very stressful was an understatement, but what kept
Natalie Ledwell:me going through that was the fact that we had enough people around us that
Natalie Ledwell:were validating that the idea was great and that, that we could be a success
Natalie Ledwell:that I knew exactly where I wanted to end up and I could see and taste that.
Natalie Ledwell:And also what was fueling me was the feedback that we were getting from
Natalie Ledwell:our clients and from our customers just going, you've helped me.
Natalie Ledwell:You've changed my life.
Natalie Ledwell:You've helped me.
Natalie Ledwell:improve my relationship.
Natalie Ledwell:You've helped me, with my relationship with my son, I finally got the car
Natalie Ledwell:or the house that I've been looking for, or I just, for the first time
Natalie Ledwell:in my life, I feel really good about myself, tho that kind of feedback.
Natalie Ledwell:And that validation was like, that's all I needed to keep going.
David Shriner-Cahn:And you said that you have been a, basically a student of
David Shriner-Cahn:personal development and how to create a positive mindset for your adult life.
David Shriner-Cahn:So you were putting all of that into play in this new business effort?
Natalie Ledwell:Absolutely.
Natalie Ledwell:And I think I was handed my first set of cassettes showing my age now, when
Natalie Ledwell:I was 21 years old, Brian Tracy was the guy on the cassettes and that was
Natalie Ledwell:like one of those, oh, my goodness.
Natalie Ledwell:I can think differently and change the outcomes in my life.
Natalie Ledwell:This is crazy.
Natalie Ledwell:But I remember having a moment before our friend approached us with this idea.
Natalie Ledwell:four businesses working really long hours and still struggling financially.
Natalie Ledwell:And I'm like, I don't get it.
Natalie Ledwell:Cuz I knew how to make a plan.
Natalie Ledwell:I knew how to think positively, I knew all of those things and I'm like, why
Natalie Ledwell:am I, why are we still struggling?
Natalie Ledwell:And this doesn't make any sense to me.
Natalie Ledwell:I'm pretty sure I'm doing everything right.
Natalie Ledwell:And then it wasn't until I, saw The Secret and went, oh, wait a minute.
Natalie Ledwell:because for me, my plans were always small.
Natalie Ledwell:I'm thinking if I don't know every single step and I can't see the entire plan
Natalie Ledwell:before I get started, or before I set this goal, then I'm only going to set
Natalie Ledwell:something that I know I can achieve.
Natalie Ledwell:that's, That's a foregone conclusion.
Natalie Ledwell:For me to set something huge, like a million dollar launch,
Natalie Ledwell:which is what we did in the end.
Natalie Ledwell:And I'll can tell you a little bit more about that story,
Natalie Ledwell:but a million dollar launch.
Natalie Ledwell:I would never have dared to set a goal like that before, until
Natalie Ledwell:I understood the principles.
Natalie Ledwell:no.
Natalie Ledwell:You just need to know where you wanna end up and you just
Natalie Ledwell:need to take that first step.
Natalie Ledwell:Then you just need to take that second step.
Natalie Ledwell:And if you are in alignment, meaning that you can see yourself already there
Natalie Ledwell:and feel what it's like to already be there and you're taking this action,
Natalie Ledwell:then things will start to fall into place for you and things that you could never
Natalie Ledwell:have planned for in a million years, which is what was happening for us.
Natalie Ledwell:having, and I like Glen and I, we like 20 different businesses we had together.
Natalie Ledwell:We knew how to run a business.
Natalie Ledwell:I, we knew how to do a successful business, but this
Natalie Ledwell:was the missing piece for us.
Natalie Ledwell:It's oh, Okay.
Natalie Ledwell:we didn't just go from that to a successful business.
Natalie Ledwell:We went to living in the us and all those teachers that were in The Secret.
Natalie Ledwell:are now my friends, we've helped 10 million people around the world.
Natalie Ledwell:Like this is as far exceeded anything I could have ever dreamed up for myself
Natalie Ledwell:before I understood these principles.
David Shriner-Cahn:Yeah.
David Shriner-Cahn:So Natalie, how important is it to think big and then work backwards to the first
David Shriner-Cahn:step versus thinking way smaller and working backwards to find the first step.
Natalie Ledwell:Cause I know it can be very scary.
Natalie Ledwell:You go, oh, million dollars.
Natalie Ledwell:That's the big number.
Natalie Ledwell:I'm like, I dunno if I can do this and what I do know is that anything, when
Natalie Ledwell:it comes to what we are creating in our life, how we feel and our emotions,
Natalie Ledwell:we need to be wary of, with the law of attraction, the principle basically
Natalie Ledwell:is like energy attracts like energy.
Natalie Ledwell:So we wanna be the same energy or similar energy or frequency, the things that we
Natalie Ledwell:want now, our emotions are our frequency.
Natalie Ledwell:Now I also know on the other hand that if you don't set that big
Natalie Ledwell:number, you're never gonna reach it cuz you don't believe you will.
Natalie Ledwell:So I always say put the big number out there.
Natalie Ledwell:Now you can, like you said, reverse engineer it, break it down into
Natalie Ledwell:smaller increments and go, okay, I'm gonna get to that million dollars.
Natalie Ledwell:But let me focus on the first thousand or first hundred thousand or first 10,000.
Natalie Ledwell:And then move your way up, but always have that big number in mind.
Natalie Ledwell:because like I said, if you don't put it out there, then you
Natalie Ledwell:don't, you'll never reach it.
Natalie Ledwell:And the thing is, as you keep getting to these little milestones and achieving
Natalie Ledwell:these, you are starting to gather all this evidence and all this proof,
Natalie Ledwell:that, what you're doing is working.
Natalie Ledwell:you're building your belief and you're building your expectation, which are
Natalie Ledwell:two very important ingredients when it comes to achieving anything that
Natalie Ledwell:you want in life, once you believe and expect that it's gonna happen.
Natalie Ledwell:And the way that you do that is by set the big number and then keep achieving those
Natalie Ledwell:small little milestones along the way.
David Shriner-Cahn:Now, Natalie, for your audience of women over 50, particularly
David Shriner-Cahn:those that may have been doing something professionally for most of their career
David Shriner-Cahn:where they've been doing well, but not necessarily achieving that kind of big
David Shriner-Cahn:vision, but let's say they're doing well as an employee and then they decide
David Shriner-Cahn:they wanna shake things up a little bit.
David Shriner-Cahn:either by leaving their job or in some other way, what are some of
David Shriner-Cahn:the outcomes that you've seen them achieve when they shift their mindset?
Natalie Ledwell:So a lot of the women that I work with, the reason
Natalie Ledwell:they wanna make a change is because maybe what they've been doing in the
Natalie Ledwell:past has been outta responsibility.
Natalie Ledwell:They're a wife, they're a mother.
Natalie Ledwell:They have a family they're contributing to the household.
Natalie Ledwell:Maybe they didn't even have a job or maybe they're looking to get
Natalie Ledwell:into a business now because they wanna make their contributions.
Natalie Ledwell:because they don't have as much responsibility as they had before.
Natalie Ledwell:And we, 50 to me is the sweet spot.
Natalie Ledwell:We've got all this life experience.
Natalie Ledwell:We've got all this knowhow, we've got all this knowledge.
Natalie Ledwell:and we are still healthy.
Natalie Ledwell:We're still energetic.
Natalie Ledwell:We've still got all this, this, go in us, to be able to look for
Natalie Ledwell:the, look forward into something.
Natalie Ledwell:So the question that a lot of women are asking that I get to work with
Natalie Ledwell:is how do I make a contribution?
Natalie Ledwell:Or how do I do something that's gonna fill my soul.
Natalie Ledwell:And so when they're looking at what they're going into next, they're
Natalie Ledwell:looking at well, what am I good at?
Natalie Ledwell:What have I been good at?
Natalie Ledwell:And what is it that I really enjoy doing?
Natalie Ledwell:And then from there they go, okay.
Natalie Ledwell:So how do I make money out of this?
Natalie Ledwell:Or how do I engineer a business out of this?
Natalie Ledwell:And then they start that research from there.
Natalie Ledwell:So anything from becoming a coach.
Natalie Ledwell:To starting their own podcast, to running an ebook, to doing some online programs.
Natalie Ledwell:And for some people it's just, creating some kind of, product or craft or
Natalie Ledwell:something like that, where they can donate a certain amount of money from
Natalie Ledwell:that, into the charities or the causes that are really close to their heart.
Natalie Ledwell:So really a very heart and love based businesses is what I can see is
Natalie Ledwell:coming out of the women that I work with as well and something where they
Natalie Ledwell:go, look, I could do this forever.
Natalie Ledwell:I think this whole concept of retirement, this, our generation are like, Retire?
Natalie Ledwell:Why would we do that when we love what we do?
Natalie Ledwell:it's not like it's a, something that we've, that we have to do.
Natalie Ledwell:It's something that we get to do and that we love to do.
David Shriner-Cahn:That's so true.
Natalie Ledwell:And so it kinda takes a whole retirement thing off the table.
David Shriner-Cahn:Yeah.
David Shriner-Cahn:How many of them end up doing something in business?
Natalie Ledwell:I would say there's probably about, I don't know, 25%,
Natalie Ledwell:25 to 30% of the women that I work.
Natalie Ledwell:Is there anything about your work or about your audience that we haven't
Natalie Ledwell:discussed that you'd like to share?
Natalie Ledwell:Let's see.
Natalie Ledwell:I think really, like I said, it, we can go through our whole lives.
Natalie Ledwell:Struggling, which a lot of us do, and a lot of what I do is not just helping
Natalie Ledwell:people have this really optimistic and positive vision of their future,
Natalie Ledwell:but also understand what stopped them from having that before now, and for
Natalie Ledwell:a lot of us, we are overcoming our childhood, we're overcoming our culture.
Natalie Ledwell:We're overcoming, the expectations that society had for us to show up in a certain
Natalie Ledwell:way or to go into a certain career.
Natalie Ledwell:So now it's now I get to do what I really wanna do.
Natalie Ledwell:So figure out what that is and why have I not stepped into that yet?
Natalie Ledwell:Now a lot of us are overcoming limiting beliefs or programs of
Natalie Ledwell:not being worthy, not being smart enough, not deserving success.
Natalie Ledwell:And I also help people to really be able to clear a lot of that old programming
Natalie Ledwell:because consciously we go, no, I wanna create this career and I wanna have this
Natalie Ledwell:wealth and I wanna live this lifestyle, but subconsciously our subconscious
Natalie Ledwell:mind is going no, remember, you're never gonna amount to anything you were told
Natalie Ledwell:that repeatedly when you were a kid.
Natalie Ledwell:So I'm gonna do my best to throw up all the procrastination and all the
Natalie Ledwell:negative thoughts and every excuse for you not to be able to do that.
Natalie Ledwell:So when we become aware of what those thoughts are, and especially they come
Natalie Ledwell:to the service, when we set ourselves a goal of, okay, no, I wanna create
Natalie Ledwell:a business that I feel good about.
Natalie Ledwell:Then when we start in taking action in that direction, that's when these
Natalie Ledwell:thoughts really come to the surface, all these feelings come to the surface.
Natalie Ledwell:It's oh, who do I think I am?
Natalie Ledwell:We all, all from time to time have that imposter syndrome come up.
Natalie Ledwell:I have the same thing, created a social emotional learning curriculum for schools.
Natalie Ledwell:Now I left school when I was 15.
Natalie Ledwell:and I don't have children.
Natalie Ledwell:I'm like, so I'm like, they're way minute now.
Natalie Ledwell:I'm like, I know you can make a lot of amazing things happen, but really this,
Natalie Ledwell:but again, there's been too many things that have fallen into place to help me
Natalie Ledwell:to make this become a reality that I'm like, okay, I can't walk away from this.
Natalie Ledwell:there's too much support that I'm getting from wherever, to
Natalie Ledwell:be able to make this happen.
Natalie Ledwell:Being able to overcome that is also a lot of what I, help, people do is to
Natalie Ledwell:get, let's get past that old programming and, and as sometimes that's the
Natalie Ledwell:reason we stay in a job or a career longer than then maybe we wanted to,
Natalie Ledwell:because we have a lot of this self doubt, which is really connected to
Natalie Ledwell:some, deeper, childhood experiences.
Natalie Ledwell:And we all have it, like every single human being on the planet has it.
Natalie Ledwell:But once we become aware of that, And then choose to release it and go, okay
Natalie Ledwell:not so thinking those thoughts anymore.
Natalie Ledwell:They're not serving me.
Natalie Ledwell:What am I choosing to replace those thoughts with?
Natalie Ledwell:And then starting to move through forward from those four paradigms is just, it
Natalie Ledwell:makes all the difference in the world.
David Shriner-Cahn:Yeah, Natalie, congratulations on everything
David Shriner-Cahn:you've achieved and the huge impact you've made on so many lives.
David Shriner-Cahn:If somebody wants to go deeper with anything that you've shared today, or
David Shriner-Cahn:access any resources, you have learn more about you, et cetera, where would they go?
Natalie Ledwell:Yeah.
Natalie Ledwell:So mindmovies.com is our main website.
Natalie Ledwell:From there, there's a lot of free content.
Natalie Ledwell:You can download some free Mind Movies as well.
Natalie Ledwell:There's a whole, all the information on our programs there also, if you're
Natalie Ledwell:a female and you're listening to this and you're, Expectable age like myself.
Natalie Ledwell:you can access the podcast there, which is Not Over, Just Different , but if
Natalie Ledwell:you are listening to this and, you are interested in a social, emotional
Natalie Ledwell:learning curriculum for your school.
Natalie Ledwell:If your kids are still at school, personalgrowthstudies.com is,
Natalie Ledwell:definitely the best place to, to find out some information and to
Natalie Ledwell:connect with me through there.
David Shriner-Cahn:Sounds great.
David Shriner-Cahn:Natalie, I wanna thank you so much for taking the time to join us today
David Shriner-Cahn:and share your insights in your story.
David Shriner-Cahn:My guest has been co-founder of Mind Movies, Natalie Ledwell.
David Shriner-Cahn:Thank you again, Natalie, for joining us.
Natalie Ledwell:Thanks David.
David Shriner-Cahn:When you visit the Smashing the Plateau website at
David Shriner-Cahn:smashingtheplateau.com, you'll find a summary of each episode, along with
David Shriner-Cahn:the links we mentioned on the show.
David Shriner-Cahn:On today's episode with Natalie Ledwell, we learned how to identify
David Shriner-Cahn:your niche and create a big vision to turn it into reality.
David Shriner-Cahn:How do you feel about your progress toward your vision?
David Shriner-Cahn:Would you like to be part of a structured, supportive process to help you implement
David Shriner-Cahn:ideas that you know will help you move the needle toward your goals?
David Shriner-Cahn:As a member of the Smashing the Plateau Community you'll have access
David Shriner-Cahn:to a structured process for growth.
David Shriner-Cahn:You'll also be a member of a community that is built to be a safe, caring place
David Shriner-Cahn:where inclusive, direct, active and empowering conversations are welcome.
David Shriner-Cahn:Inside the Smashing the Plateau Community, you'll find a range of
David Shriner-Cahn:tools and resources to support you as an entrepreneur, access to experts
David Shriner-Cahn:and answers to your burning questions.
David Shriner-Cahn:If you are committed to getting your consulting, coaching, or small business
David Shriner-Cahn:to grow on your own terms so that you can deliver great results to your ideal
David Shriner-Cahn:clients while supporting the lifestyle you want, and you don't want to do
David Shriner-Cahn:it alone, apply to become a member of the Smashing The Plateau Community.
David Shriner-Cahn:Learn more at smashingtheplateau.com, where we have additional resources to help
David Shriner-Cahn:consultants, coaches, and entrepreneurs build their business after a long
David Shriner-Cahn:career as an employed professional.
David Shriner-Cahn:We believe you should be able to do what you love and get paid
David Shriner-Cahn:what you're worth, consistently.
David Shriner-Cahn:I'm David Shriner-Cahn.
David Shriner-Cahn:Thank you for taking the time to listen to our show.