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Nonprofit Consulting and Coaching Featuring Robert Grabel

Nonprofit Consulting and Coaching Featuring Robert Grabel

Robert Grabel is the President of Nonprofit Now! Consulting and Coaching which supports nonprofits and their leaders in maximizing their impact. 

We discuss:

  • Being an entrepreneur doesn’t mean you have to be on your own [01:36]
  • The moment to start consulting [04:18]
  • The two opposites on the spectrum: consulting vs. coaching [05:18]
  • Why people get stuck in the “how” [07:10]
  • The Wizard of Oz syndrome [08:14]
  • What you have and what you don’t need [11:16]
  • The true way to create a prosperous coaching business [13:32]
  • What makes a good client for a consultant or coach [18:28]

With two decades in the nonprofit arena, Robert has done everything from launching his own charity to serving in senior leadership roles. He is a passionate advocate for nonprofits and writes and speaks on industry topics. Robert lives in Florida with his wife and dog. He loves visiting his daughter and family in Philadelphia, playing music, running and cycling.

Learn more about Robert at www.yournonprofitnow.com.

Brief Description of Gift

A free copy of Robert’s first book “Just Do the Work: The Portable Nonprofit Coach” to the first 5 people who contact him for a 30-minute free consultation

URL for free gift


About the author, David Shriner-Cahn

David is the podcast host and community builder behind Smashing the Plateau, an online platform offering resources, accountability, and camaraderie to high-performing professionals who are making the leap from the corporate career track to entrepreneurial business ownership.

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