Leaders and Business Thinkers: Greg Crabtree's Recommendations
On his appearance on yesterday’s episode of Smashing the Plateau, Greg Crabtree described how small businesses can plan ahead to give themselves both profitability and purpose. Here, he describes some of the leaders who have influenced the development of his own business philosophies:
1. Verne Harnish (www.gazelles.com)
Crabtree describes Harnish as a “great business thinker” who encouraged him to write his book, adding that Harnish is “somebody who stays active and constantly pushing forward… one of the best aggregators of the best thinking in the marketplace.” Crabtree recommended Harnish’s newsletter in particular as being to-the-point and helpful for its audience.
2. Ron Hollis (www.Ronhollis.net)
“Got me into EO; great client, entrepreneur, friend.”
A “great mentor for balance of business, family and personal growth.”
4. Jack Stack (www.greatgame.com)
Stack “showed me how machine workers could understand accounting better than any accountant along the power of rolling forecasts.”
5. Moses (Old Testament)
“Sometimes the reluctant leader in me needs a few prods and some time to develop, but I want to help my people make it to promised land.”