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How to be a Successful Business Author Today Featuring Wendy Keller

Wendy Keller is an award-winning former journalist, a respected literary agent, an author, a speaker, and an acclaimed book marketing consultant.

Wendy is a prominent advocate for authors taking a vibrant, active role in promoting their work.

Keller Media is a literary agency that helps authors succeed by advising on cutting-edge marketing strategies, advanced book promotion practices, and the best-known use of media, social media, and paid speaking.

In today’s episode of Smashing the Plateau, you will learn how you can become a known expert so that you have a platform for your book.

Wendy and I discuss:

  • Her experience with book publishing, particularly for non-fiction books [02:30]
  • The influx of young people in the business [04:04]
  • How her business has become referral driven [05:10]
  • How she helped someone through paid speaking [06:08]
  • How to be a successful business author today [07:27]
  • Strategies to leverage your business book [08:44]
  • The importance of having a published book rather than self-publishing [11:16]
  • How the consumers will find you [13:35]
  • Learning to sell your expertise through writing a book [16:47]
  • The power of proper marketing [15:43]
  • Classifying which self-promoter you are [20:15]
  • Her experience with community and being part of the community [22:53]

Learn more about Wendy at https://kellermedia.com

Submit a Book Proposal here: https://kellermedia.com/query

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About the author, David Shriner-Cahn

David is the podcast host and community builder behind Smashing the Plateau, an online platform offering resources, accountability, and camaraderie to high-performing professionals who are making the leap from the corporate career track to entrepreneurial business ownership.

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