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Own Your Value and Reach Your Highest Potential Featuring Analiza Wolf

Analiza Quiroz Wolf is an Executive Coach and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Facilitator.

She is committed to guiding leaders, especially women and people of color, and organizations to their highest potential.

In today’s episode of Smashing the Plateau, you will learn how to guide leaders, especially women and people of color, and organizations to their highest potential.

Analiza and I discuss:

  • Her career journey [02:20]
  • How past experiences lead to today’s focus [08:09]
  • The unique challenges for women of color in leadership [09:33]
  • The questioning of self-worth that’s inculcated as part of our culture [11:13]
  • How to overcome the feeling of lack of self-worth [13:01]
  • How working at your mindset can be a game changer [16:00]
  • Community supporting your ability to thrive as a leader [19:03]
  • Community as a place where you feel safe, feel seen, and you can share hard things [22:00]

Learn more about Analiza at www.analizawolf.com, www.linkedin.com/in/analizawolf/, and www.instagram.com/analizawolf/

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About the author, David Shriner-Cahn

David is the podcast host and community builder behind Smashing the Plateau, an online platform offering resources, accountability, and camaraderie to high-performing professionals who are making the leap from the corporate career track to entrepreneurial business ownership.

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