Personal Stress and Successful Launch Featuring Lopa van der Mersch

Lopa Van Der Mersch is the founder and CEO of Rasa Koffee, the first coffee alternative to offer functional health benefits through adaptogenic herbs.
We discuss:
- When there is no healthy replacement of coffee, you create it [1:58]
- How adaptogenic herbs work to help you relieve stress or boost energy [4:30]
- How to maintain a second layer of awareness [11:11]
- The one quality Steve Jobs would look at when hiring [12:07]
- Coffee as an analogue to some of the things that are wrong about culture nowadays [16:51]
- Brand loyalty as a function of a lifestyle shift [18:53]
- A real service orientation towards uplifting people [21:47]
Learn more about Lopa at and LinkedIn.
Brief Description of Gift
A discount code for Rasa Koffee products
URL for Free Gift
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