STP085: The Power of Olympic Thinking with Marilyn King

Marilyn King knows something about the power of thinking: after a car accident in 1979 rendered her unable to train physically for her third Olympic Team, she placed second at the Olympic trials for the 1980 Moscow Games after using only mental training techniques. A two-time Olympian in the five-event pentathlon, Marilyn has spent 30 years as an expert in the field of exceptional human performance. The president of Way Beyond Sports, she helps others apply skills learned through sports to three specific areas: business, education and peace.
In this interview, she discusses:
- The importance of daily practices – not only physical, but mental: how you approach the day, what the plan is, how to be more effective.
- The power of Olympic thinking: Passion, Vision, Action.
- Why leaders need to understand the conditions under which people are willing or able to change
- How leaders can tell a company’s “Story of Now” to give employees a sense of excitement and purpose
- How leaders can mine the collective wisdom of the company’s employees
- How Olympian Thinking can help us achieve the world we want to live in
Marilyn’s work includes programs conducted for senior executives at Fortune 500 companies, such as AT&T, Apple Computer, Hewlett Packard, IBM, Ikea, Microsoft, Nokia, Oracle, Swiss Reinsurance, Starbucks and Wells Fargo. She has been featured on, The News Hour with Jim Lehrer, and NBC Nightly News. Currently, Marilyn is involved in a joint Russian-American venture called “The Peace Team,” and has twice spoken at the United Nations.
Learn more about Marilyn at her website,