Uniting The World Through Kindness With Orly Wahba

“You have to remind yourself that your self is great … there’s no reason why you’re not. Each person is unique and special and significant in their own way. Even though we might be one in seven billion the number that matters is that you’re one.”
Orly Wahba is changing the world one kind conversation at a time. She is an educator, activist, entrepreneur and Founder of Life Vest Inside, whose mission is to empower people with kindness and to help us recognize the exceptional potential inside all of us. Today she explains why embracing our inner resources, believing in ourselves and spreading kindness will save the world.
In this episode, you’ll discover:
- Why every project is a “work in progress” and how to push through the uncertainties.
- The significance of empowerment, kindness and believing in yourself.
- How to address fears and take the necessary (and scary) steps forward in life and in business.
- How reminding yourself why you’re doing it will lead to how you’ll do it.
- How authenticity will connect you to others.
- Why listening and receiving information is just as important as giving it.
- Why hardships will lead to revelations and strength.
- How to fight through adversity to achieve your dreams.
Orly Wahba is an educator, entrepreneur and community activist who is passionate about inspiring and motivating people to make the world a kinder place. In 2011, Orly founded Life Vest Inside, a non-profit organization with a mission to empower and unite the world with kindness. Through Life Vest Inside, Orly encourages people to embrace the incredible power of giving and recognize that in times of hardship, kindness (like a life vest) keeps the world afloat.
LVI gained international acclaim when Orly’s award-winning film Kindness Boomerang went viral, receiving over 30 million views and counting, and eventually landed her a spot to speak at TED2013 on the magic of kindness.
Orly began her career in kindness as a Middle School educator empowering children to embrace unity, build their self-value, and use their power to influence the world for good. As her kindness community grows by the thousands, more people are experiencing the addictiveness in the giving of kindness.
Learn more about Orly at Life Vest Inside, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, the Dance For Kindness website and watch her TED Talk.