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Why Learning is Leverage With Dan Hoffman

Why Learning is Leverage With Dan Hoffman

Entrepreneur and public speaker Dan Hoffman founded Circles Learning Labs as a means to foster meaningful connections across the world. He also believes that adult learning is the key to improving our lives and our businesses. Today he tells us why. Dan also opens up about his own struggles as an entrepreneur, talks about finding clarity, and shows us how to become self-directed learners.

Topics Include:

  • The missing ingredients in our education system
  • The problems facing adult learning today (and how to overcome them)
  • Why leaders shouldn’t be afraid to embrace their lousiness
  • The explosion of adult learning opportunities
  • Fighting learner loneliness
  • Why a peer group is a powerful learning structure

Dan Hoffman is an entrepreneur who failed twice, succeeded once, and is starting from the beginning again. From 2000-2014 he built and then sold M5 Networks, a pioneering Voice-over-IP cloud communications company serving businesses. After losing a battle to be CEO of the public Silicon Valley company that acquired M5, Dan retreated with his family to Barcelona for two years. During this time he was chosen as a Henry Crown Fellow of the Aspen Institute, a program that pushed him to work on the opportunity to improve education and learning. He recently returned to Brooklyn, NY, and a few months ago, started Circles Learning Labs, with a mission to connect the world deeply so people can learn and grow together.

Learn more about Dan at circl.esLinkedIn, and Twitter.






About the author, David Shriner-Cahn

David is the podcast host and community builder behind Smashing the Plateau, an online platform offering resources, accountability, and camaraderie to high-performing professionals who are making the leap from the corporate career track to entrepreneurial business ownership.

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