Success Leaves Clues Featuring Jamy Bechler

Jamy Bechler is the host of the “Success is a Choice” podcast and author of three books, including “The Bus Trip”. He spent 20 years as a college basketball coach and high school AD. Jamy now works with high-level corporations and sports teams helping them maximize their potential in the area of leadership, culture, and teamwork.
We discuss:
- Self-employed or unemployed depending on the day [01:32]
- How having a platform to host a podcast could change the dynamics of your business [03:38]
- Obstacles are what you see when you take your eyes off the goal [05:53]
- The entrepreneur’s internal battles with discipline [07:11]
- How to avoid having the business running you instead of you running it [09:15]
- Why having a rainy day fund is not enough to go from a paycheck to self-employment [12:45]
- Don’t lose relationships over sale [14:54]
- Coaching coaches and leading leaders [17:39]
- Seek first to understand, then to be understood [20:09]
- Great teams have great teammates [21:19]
Learn more about Jamy at and Twitter.