How to Succeed in Business: Tips From a Superstar Career Guidance Specialist

Andrea Eisenberg and I first met many years ago when she provided outplacement services for one of my employees. As an expert in offering career guidance, at her business Preferred Transition Resources, Andrea knows human capital is a company’s most important asset.
Andrea shows us that people skills can be measured both qualitatively and quantitatively. Her firm works tirelessly to make sure the right people make the right fit at our company.
It’s my pleasure to share her insights with you.
David: What is the biggest misconception you encounter about business in today’s world?
Andrea: Individuals often join an organization with one of two goals in mind: They are looking for a “home” — a place where they can grow a long-term career; or they don’t stay at one place long enough to get the visibility and recognition they want. The balance of knowing when to join and stay with an organization to maximize a career requires business sense that comes from building relationships both inside and outside of the organization. No one source or opinion can supply all the information we need to manage our careers.
There is a misconception that there is a type of personality or work style that is successful in the business world. There is also a misconception that results can always be quantified. Defining the true, often unstated results an organization values is critical to success. Knowing this information can lead to long-term success and recognition.
Employees believe they will get honest feedback from others and don’t seek it out for themselves. In business, knowing where you stand, from a variety of constituents, can be important as we make work-related decisions. A person can succeed in business if he or she continues to learn, stay involved, get key results, and are known in a positive way.
David: What was the most important thing you did to grow your own career?
Andrea: When offered responsibility, I usually took it. The actual job I pursued was important, but not as important as the opportunity to create or build or leverage something. Over time, I learned that I could build business relationships and collaborate with many different levels and personality types, and became known as a reliable colleague, which brought me recognition and positive feedback. That was a nice surprise and encouraged me to continue to build on my reputation.
In every instance, I have loved the work I have done. Both in content and style.
David: What is the most important thing you bring to clients in your work and why?
Andrea: Clients seem to like to work with me. From what I can tell, both organizations and individuals appreciate my approach, which is practical and direct when addressing their problems and helping them manage a wide variety of situations. Clients know I am deeply involved in the content of my work and care about them. When working with any client, my goal is to listen carefully and focus on their needs and do all I can to help them get what they want. Bridging the gap between what an individual is looking for and the dynamics of a market or organization in flux can be tricky. I am eager to work side-by-side with individuals to help them bridge that gap.
David: What traits do the most successful people share?
Andrea: Successful people are often optimists, good listeners, demonstrate energy, build mutual relationships, and are generous.
David: What’s your favorite productivity trick?
Andrea: Start and finish one task before starting another.
Andrea Eisenberg is the Managing Director at Preferred Transition Resources. You can visit her website, and contact her by email or by phone, at 212-697-0448.