Towards Fellowship and Purpose: Rick Martinez's Influences
On his interview on yesterday’s episode of Smashing the Plateau, Rick Martinez spoke about what he calls “bink” moments—moments of personal clarity that can be assessed and used to move forward towards some greater goal in life. Here, he lists those individuals and organizations who have helped him move toward business success, and his understanding of clarity:
1. Entrepreneurs Organization (EO) (
Martinez writes that “Surrounding oneself with fellow entrepreneurs has made a HUGE difference in my life.” In his interview, he describes EO as “A nonprofit, and I’ve been a member of EO now for several years. They have chapters all over the world; I belong to the San Antonio, Texas Chapter. The ability to mingle with, to trade ideas with, to share with fellow business owners, with entrepreneurs… it’s invaluable. It’s been something that has changed me, that has given me new perspective. But more importantly, it’s shown me that I am not the only one who faces these challenges; that there are other business owners and CEOs who are in the same dang boat I’m in. And it was refreshing to know that. I wasn’t alone.”
2. Mike Sharrow (
“He’s doing remarkable work in a remarkable number of fields… he is a franchise owner of some businesses here in San Antonio. He’s a good man. He’s a role model for me as a father… he has a young family; he’s a great role model as a modern-day dad. He’s just a good-souled, good-hearted man who’s building a really good business with good people, and he has been an inspiration to me for several years now. He’s helped me move forward in ways I can’t even describe.”
3. Sam Horn (
Martinez writes of Horn’s “friendship, guidance and expertise,” adding that “she challenges me to greatness.”
4. Man’s Search for Meaning, Viktor Frankl
Of this Holocaust narrative, Martinez writes that it “Offers a distinct perspective on what a purpose-filled life should be,” adding that it “makes a person think.”
5. Gazelles (
Martinez praises Gazelles’s business development systems as being “simple and easy to implement, to work ON not IN your biz.”