The Right State Of Mind
Yesterday on Smashing The Plateau, Sherold Barr discussed how to conquer a negative mindset.
Here are some of her biggest influences:
1) Byron Katie
She is helping people awaken to the fact that they are not their thoughts (that’s the ego and left brain), and that our limiting beliefs and thoughts are the cause of all suffering.
2) Nicholas Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn
Nicholas and Sheryl are brilliant at showing why the genocide of women and girls is the issue of this century. They use data to highlight this global problem.
3) Brené Brown
Brené’s TED Talk demonstrated how vulnerability builds trust.
Hillman’s book, The Soul’s Code: In Search of Character and Calling, was pivotal for me in learning the “Acorn Effect” – why our Soul’s Genius or Daimon is with us in this lifetime, knows our soul’s code, and what we are here to do in this lifetime. Finding what feels like our authentic work in the world is key.
Elizabeth picks up on what James Hillman talks about as our Daimon or Genius, and how this shadow archetype that accompanies us in this lifetime. This elusive genius is with us and our task is to follow what we love and use our unique gifts and talents that only we have.