Bettering The Lives of Smaller Entrepreneurs
Yesterday on Smashing The Plateau, Bill Dost inspired us with his passion for helping smaller entrepreneurs better their lives and better their businesses.
Here are some of his biggest influences:
1) God
I center my entire life and my business around my faith.
He is the founder of our church denomination that centers our family.
It is an amazing resource for us. The people, the forums, the outlet, they’re my tribe and where I belong.
He helped me realize I needed a system, a one-page plan to help me grow my business. He also discusses transparency and strategy.
5) Warren Rustand
I went to the Entrepreneurs Organization’s Leadership Academy and he was one of the teachers. He taught me (among other things) the burden of leadership, like going back to teach others to be leaders while ensuring you’re still getting the job done and taking care of the household.