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Building The Business You Want

Yesterday on Smashing the Plateau, Michelle Evans discussed how to pursue the career you really want. Here are some of her biggest influences: 1) Seth Godin Seth Godin continues to have a profound impact on my career. His book – Permission Marketing – was one of the first books that got me excited about doing…

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Expert Authority

Yesterday on Smashing the Plateau, Goutham Bhadri taught us how to become authorities in our fields. Here are some of his biggest influences: 1) Sir Richard Branson He’s the standout for me. Coming from the UK, he was the aspirational leader, the typical anti-business hero, not just because of what he achieved, but how he…

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Making The Pivot

On yesterday’s episode of Smashing the Plateau, Greg Hickman discussed what it takes to make the shift from one successful business to another. Here are some of his biggest influences: 1) Gary Keller His book, The One Thing, helped me realize I had to focus on the things that were most important, and spend a…

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Culture And Innovation

Yesterday on Smashing the Plateau, Matt Munson discussed the importance of building teams who fight for the same goals. Here are some of his biggest influences: 1) The Nomadic Developer We strongly encourage anyone who’s new to our company to read this! It’s essentially a how-to book on being a good technology consultant and good…

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Network Equals Net Worth

On yesterday’s episode of Smashing the Plateau, Judy Robinett taught us how to build a powerful network. Here are some of her biggest influences: 1) Steven Covey His book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, is a great focus on time management and what is important. 2) Kent Taylor He is a retired attorney,…

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Putting Processes In Place

Yesterday on Smashing the Plateau, Matt Perlman discussed why aligning your personal goals with your business goals is key to building a successful business. Here are some of his biggest influences: 1) Robert Kiyosaki Early in my adulthood (high school), his books opened me up to a new dynamic of how things could be and…

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The Important Conversations

On yesterday’s episode of Smashing the Plateau, Todd Heslin discussed a variety of topics including growth, passive income, and how to approach investors. Here are some of his biggest influences: 1) Tim Ferriss His book, The 4-Hour Workweek, changed my life and has challenged my thinking ever since. 2) Derek Sivers He is a very…

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A Supportive Community

Yesterday on Smashing the Plateau, Aaron Walker discussed how engaging in mastermind groups can help you make sharper business decisions. Here are some of his biggest influences: 1) Dan Miller I have been in his mastermind group for almost two decades now. He has been an absolute champion of a guy to be around. He’s a…

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Simplicity In High Performance

On yesterday’s episode of Smashing The Plateau, Joe Calloway discussed the power of simplicity when building a better business. Here are some of his biggest influences: 1) In Search of Excellence This is “the grandfather” of all business books. It influenced me in how to create ideas to help others succeed. 2) Fortune Magazine It’s…

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The Power of Systems

Yesterday on Smashing The Plateau, Brian Casel taught us the importance of productizing your service in order to achieve freedom and scalability. Here are some of his biggest influences: 1) Seth Godin I like to read his stuff every day. His books have been game-changers. He’s a super brilliant marketing mind, and really just an…

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One World Education

On yesterday’s episode of Smashing The Plateau, Eric Goldstein discussed how he improves the learning processes of our youth through his non-profit organization, One World Education. Here are some of his biggest influences: 1) Family Members I have family members who have consistently modeled working hard, doing things the right way, and being honest even…

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Creativity And Innovation

On yesterday’s episode of Smashing The Plateau, Suzanne Fetscher and Sheila Mullen discussed how business leaders can harness the power of creativity and innovation. Here are some of their biggest influences: Suzanne 1) Daniel Pink His book, A Whole New Mind, is an argument for the importance of right brain thinking and creative capacity for…

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A Master Communicator

Yesterday on Smashing The Plateau, Dr. Laura Sicola discussed how to master the 3Cs of Executive Vocal Presence. Here are some of her biggest influences: 1) JV Crum III Fantastic business coach. He has helped me restructure my business for greater profitability. The Conscious Millionaire is a great book. 2) Jonah Berger His book, Contagious:…

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What Does Success Mean To You?

On yesterday’s episode on Smashing The Plateau, Matt Inglot taught us how to seek out success that is centered around lifestyle instead of assets. Here are some of his biggest influences: 1) Tim Ferriss He is probably my biggest influencer. The Four Hour Work Week forced me to re-evaluate what I actually wanted from my…

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A Master of Sales

Yesterday on Smashing The Plateau, Bob Burg discussed why providing value for others will make you a master of sales. Here are some of his biggest influences: 1) My Parents I have fantastic, wonderful parents who set an example of great mentorship on how to live life and how to be a person! My dad…

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A Strong Work Ethic in Hollywood

On yesterday’s episode of Smashing The Plateau, Carl Ciarfalio discussed what it takes to succeed in Hollywood. Here are some of his biggest influences: 1) My Parents I had a great, Midwest upbringing, and my father was a WW2 veteran. My parents were from The Greatest Generation and they had strong values and a powerful…

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The Power of Delegation

Yesterday on Smashing the Plateau, Jozsef Kiss discussed the importance of outsourcing and delegation. Here are some of his biggest influences: 1) Brian Tracy The Science of Self-Confidence is an audio book I love. By listening to books like these, the messages get implanted into your subconscious, and you’re funneling information into your head. 2)…

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A Pioneer of Leadership

On yesterday’s episode of Smashing The Plateau, Ira Miller discussed the five responsibilities of effective leadership. Here are some of his biggest influences: 1) Vitee and Harold Miller Their multi-generational view and personal sacrifice allowed me to attend college. They also instilled in me the importance of having a longer-term view. 2) My Initial Managers…

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A Champion Of Women’s Sports

Yesterday on Smashing The Plateau, Digit Murphy discussed her mission to empower women, and take women’s athletics to the next level. Here are some of her biggest influences: 1) Arlene Gorton She really was a true champion of Title 9, and she was my mentor for years and years. She was always telling me to…

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Understanding Your Finances

On yesterday’s episode of Smashing The Plateau, Brian Califano gave us expert financial advice for every level of business. Here are some of his biggest influences: 1) Gary Vaynerchuk He is the smartest man doing social media today, and he speaks and writes in digestible bits that make it actionable and understandable. 2) Napoleon Hill…

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