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STP046: Getting Unstuck Without The Guilt with Rémy Chaussé

Getting Unstuck Without The Guilt with Rémy Chaussé


Rémy Chaussé helps people get unstuck from whatever’s keeping them from getting to the next level. As a victim of getting stuck herself, Rémy knows firsthand which strategies work and which just lead to frustration. On this episode, she discusses stubbornness, embarrassment, and how the biggest obstacle is usually yourself.

Topics include…

  • How to avoid getting ordinary self-promotion
  • Swallowing pride to get things done
  • Why leaders should expect less of themselves
  • How creativity can actually stifle progress
  • Being honest to find your “Joy Factor”


Rémy Chaussé is the Founder of the Get UNStuck Revolution and the selfproclaimed World’s Best UNStuckologist. She helps people move from their creative brainstorming phases to a place where they can implement changes and make progress.





About the author, David Shriner-Cahn

David is the podcast host and community builder behind Smashing the Plateau, an online platform offering resources, accountability, and camaraderie to high-performing professionals who are making the leap from the corporate career track to entrepreneurial business ownership.

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