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Why Daydreaming Can Lead to Incredible Opportunities Featuring Juliet Hahn

Juliet Hahn is a storyteller, consultant, public speaker, and content creator. Her mission in life is to give Women and Men a stage to share their stories. She believes deeply that everyone has a story and we all can learn from each other. We just need to listen.

We discuss:

  • Women can do it all [02:02]
  • How to lower the financial pressure when starting your own business [06:58]
  • Happy but not really happy [09:08]
  • What the first clients will give that you haven’t thought of [13:38]
  • That extra thing that will light you on fire [17:33]
  • Quarantine stories that get you out of your world [19:05]
  • Why it’s so important to find the time and space to daydream [21:45]

Learn more about Juliet at https://www.iamjuliethahn.com/, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook.

Juliet Hahn:

I want you to find that time and that space where you can dream

David Shriner-Cahn:

welcome to smashing the plateau.

David Shriner-Cahn:

We help you get on stuck so you can do what you love and get paid.

David Shriner-Cahn:

What you're worth consistently.

David Shriner-Cahn:

I'm your host, David Schreiner.

David Shriner-Cahn:

Today on smashing the plateau.

David Shriner-Cahn:

I'm speaking with storyteller consultant, public speaker and

David Shriner-Cahn:

As she explains.

David Shriner-Cahn:

When you start to share your story with us.

David Shriner-Cahn:

You begin to connect the dots between your creative passion and a career.

David Shriner-Cahn:

Juliet now helps other people tap into their creative passion and

David Shriner-Cahn:

Stay with us to hear the details, being able to share your story in a

David Shriner-Cahn:

That's why the comradery of supportive collaborative colleagues is the

David Shriner-Cahn:

Inside the smashing the plateau community.

David Shriner-Cahn:

You'll also find a range of tools and resources to support your

David Shriner-Cahn:

Check out this mashing, the plateau community so that you

David Shriner-Cahn:

Doing what you love and getting paid.

David Shriner-Cahn:

What you're worth.

David Shriner-Cahn:

Learn more@smashingtheplateau.com slash community.

David Shriner-Cahn:

That's smashing the plateau.com/community.

David Shriner-Cahn:

Now let's welcome.

David Shriner-Cahn:

Juliet, hon Juliet is a storyteller consultant, public

David Shriner-Cahn:

Her mission in life is to give women and men the stage to share their stories.

David Shriner-Cahn:

She believes deeply that everyone has a story and we

David Shriner-Cahn:

We just need to listen.

David Shriner-Cahn:

Julia, welcome to the show.

David Shriner-Cahn:

Thank you so

Juliet Hahn:

much, David.

Juliet Hahn:

I'm really excited about.

Juliet Hahn:

So let's start

David Shriner-Cahn:

with your story.

David Shriner-Cahn:

Tell me a little bit about

Juliet Hahn:

it, and I'm not going to go as far back, but

Juliet Hahn:

I am dyslexic.

Juliet Hahn:

So school was always really hard for me.

Juliet Hahn:

I was really good in sports and that's where I went.

Juliet Hahn:

So I literally followed the athletic platform, went to college for that,

Juliet Hahn:

So I went into corporate.

Juliet Hahn:

And very quickly when I had to take anatomy and physiology

Juliet Hahn:

I don't know that I want to work this art I could have, but I decided I wanted

Juliet Hahn:

So I went into communications, radio, television, and film, and that is where

Juliet Hahn:

Funny enough, I did not think I was a creative.

Juliet Hahn:

Coming when you're dyslexic in school, you're always it,

Juliet Hahn:

I was really more the athlete.

Juliet Hahn:

Some teacher somewhere down the line told me stick with what you're good at.

Juliet Hahn:

So that's where the sports came in.

Juliet Hahn:

However, when I was finishing school and really honing in, I decided I

Juliet Hahn:

So even though.

Juliet Hahn:

I went into communications, radio, television film.

Juliet Hahn:

Most of the people in the major actually went into the creative part, where

Juliet Hahn:

I was able to study all that, which I loved, but never really

Juliet Hahn:

The advertising sales part, the relationships really got to me

Juliet Hahn:

So that is where I moved to New York city and met my husband a couple of

Juliet Hahn:

I worked on the agency side and then went into the sales part and my husband.

Juliet Hahn:

I had three kids.

Juliet Hahn:

I decided I wanted to stay home.

Juliet Hahn:

I always wanted to be a mom.

Juliet Hahn:

And it just was something that I knew deep down.

Juliet Hahn:

I was fortunate enough that I was able to do.

Juliet Hahn:

Now, this was in the world when, so I'll date myself, but I'm 48.

Juliet Hahn:

My oldest is 16.

Juliet Hahn:

It was at the time where they said women can do it all.

Juliet Hahn:

you could do it all.

Juliet Hahn:

You can work, you can have a full-time career and you can be a mom.

Juliet Hahn:

And there was a part of me because I'm very connected to my why I'm

Juliet Hahn:

And I knew.

Juliet Hahn:

I'm not going to be able to do it all the way I would want.

Juliet Hahn:

Something's going to give it's probably going to be my husband.

Juliet Hahn:

I'm not going to be able to be the mom that I want and also

Juliet Hahn:

So I remember I sat down with my sister who had a baby at the same time.

Juliet Hahn:

She happened to be in corporate real estate.

Juliet Hahn:

She was able to go to back to the office one day a week, and I was

Juliet Hahn:

Maybe four.

Juliet Hahn:

I could work it out with my employer, great company, but I knew

Juliet Hahn:

And she said to me, what will make you the best mom and wife?

Juliet Hahn:

And I said, oh my gosh, staying home.

Juliet Hahn:

And she goes, why are you doing this?

Juliet Hahn:

And I said, I don't know, because I feel like I was such a confident human always,

Juliet Hahn:

And so I was questioning things like, okay, I, oh my

Juliet Hahn:

W, I could really mess this person up.

Juliet Hahn:

I need to really think.

Juliet Hahn:

I started getting a little bit in my head and overthinking.

Juliet Hahn:

And from there I decided when my sister said that I'm going to stay

Juliet Hahn:

worked in the PTA.

Juliet Hahn:

I was the environmental rep for the town.

Juliet Hahn:

We moved out of the city after we had our third.

Juliet Hahn:

And, it just, it was great.

Juliet Hahn:

I loved every moment of it, definitely it was ups and downs, being, staying home.

Juliet Hahn:

After being in the workforce is a little different, but I babysat my entire life.

Juliet Hahn:

So I was sending like, okay, I can do this.

Juliet Hahn:

I then I guess it was when my kids were a little bit older and I realized, you know

Juliet Hahn:

Not that I didn't enjoy it, but I wanted more, I was feeling a little

Juliet Hahn:

And so I started exploring things that I could do at home.

Juliet Hahn:

I could, take in, cause my now my husband was working.

Juliet Hahn:

He had a great job, but I also wanted to be a part of the.

Juliet Hahn:

You know the world, I wanted to be able to contribute.

Juliet Hahn:

I contributed with the kids.

Juliet Hahn:

They were a little bit older now I wanted to bring home a little bit of a paycheck.

Juliet Hahn:

So I went into fitness.

Juliet Hahn:

Funny enough, I went back to the whole fitness thing and I started doing some

Juliet Hahn:

And I started teaching classes.

Juliet Hahn:

Absolutely loved that.

Juliet Hahn:

And did that probably for five or six years.

Juliet Hahn:

Thank God.

Juliet Hahn:

That feeling again, you know what?

Juliet Hahn:

I need a little bit of a creative outlet.

Juliet Hahn:

That's when I started my podcast, that's when I really started consulting people

Juliet Hahn:

However, I always had my foot, doing things and still active using my brain.

Juliet Hahn:

So that's very quickly way of, telling you about my.

David Shriner-Cahn:

So now at this point, how much of your

David Shriner-Cahn:

Find their passion and build a business around it versus the fitness business.

Juliet Hahn:

So it's pretty much a hundred percent.

Juliet Hahn:

I still work with people every once in a while.

Juliet Hahn:

Cause they know like I get up, I work out, I have my routines, but

Juliet Hahn:

Yes it is.

Juliet Hahn:

I like the way I look at my jeans, but it really is for my mind, it's how I

Juliet Hahn:

And so I'm a hundred percent into the consulting.

Juliet Hahn:

Helping people find that creative passion and turn it into a.

David Shriner-Cahn:

And of the kinds of people you work with, what

David Shriner-Cahn:

And I'm assuming that one of the main differences between the two is when you

David Shriner-Cahn:

To get your income in your business up as quickly as

David Shriner-Cahn:

Versus if you do work, work out your families scenario so that one

David Shriner-Cahn:

And so building up a business slowly as your kids get older,

David Shriner-Cahn:


Juliet Hahn:

hundred percent.

Juliet Hahn:

So I work with about 50 50, because a lot of times there's a number

Juliet Hahn:

after some really soul-searching really after COVID, that's really,

Juliet Hahn:

I need to figure this out.

Juliet Hahn:

So I will work with people usually when they feel that and they still keep

David Shriner-Cahn:


David Shriner-Cahn:

And so for those folks that are employees and are going out on their own, what

David Shriner-Cahn:

Or let's say they already have left their job, or they've

David Shriner-Cahn:

What are some of the things that prevent them from being

Juliet Hahn:


Juliet Hahn:

and this is something that it sounds so cliche, but it is so true.

Juliet Hahn:

It's their mindset.

Juliet Hahn:

A lot of my clients, when they first come to me, they will either say, this

Juliet Hahn:

Who's gonna want to see what I'm doing.

Juliet Hahn:

They have that limiting mindset and that limiting belief

Juliet Hahn:

So we do a lot of work with that and also.

Juliet Hahn:

I will work with people right in the beginning when they say,

Juliet Hahn:

These are things that I wanted to look into and they might have a

David Shriner-Cahn:


David Shriner-Cahn:

So I've come across many people like this as well.

David Shriner-Cahn:

And often they're in fields where it seems like the field might be

David Shriner-Cahn:

Great writer or communicator.

David Shriner-Cahn:

There's so many shifts going on in industries that involve

David Shriner-Cahn:

And it seems like you can go online and find somebody who can do your

David Shriner-Cahn:

You can often find somebody who says they'll do it at a much lower hourly

David Shriner-Cahn:

The whole world of communications has shifted so much in the last number

David Shriner-Cahn:


David Shriner-Cahn:

So what do you do with folks like that?

Juliet Hahn:

I think what's really important is that they know who they're

Juliet Hahn:

I think it's really important for someone to really get connected with why they

Juliet Hahn:

and not think about the rest of the world.

Juliet Hahn:


Juliet Hahn:

There's tens of thousands of people and the writing part.

Juliet Hahn:

Let's just use that in the sample.

Juliet Hahn:

However, your story, the way you deliver is going to connect with.

Juliet Hahn:

Your audience.

Juliet Hahn:

And I think that's so important.

Juliet Hahn:

There's so many people out there.

Juliet Hahn:

I mean that need different services might need your message.

Juliet Hahn:

Might need the service that you're providing that you can't really think,

Juliet Hahn:

How people going to find me when you find.

Juliet Hahn:

What truly connects with your mind and body and you put it out

Juliet Hahn:

You're going to attract the people that are meant to mentor your church, attract

Juliet Hahn:

And I really say it's the consistent part.

Juliet Hahn:

I truly believe that we all have.

Juliet Hahn:

Whether it's God or universe, but we really all have a path.

Juliet Hahn:

And so when you have that feeling in your stomach, like you're

Juliet Hahn:

Like I'm happy, but I'm not really happy.

Juliet Hahn:

This is what I always tell my clients.

Juliet Hahn:

I want you to really dig deep to that.

Juliet Hahn:

Think about different things, I'm having a conversation with you.

Juliet Hahn:

Or I had a conversation with the man in the office next to me, and

Juliet Hahn:

But think about those little moments when you're talking to people

Juliet Hahn:

That little flutter that makes you like, huh?

Juliet Hahn:

That's interesting.

Juliet Hahn:

I always say to people, I want you to follow that because that is, there's

Juliet Hahn:

And once you start following that doors are gonna open.

Juliet Hahn:

If you are on the right path and that's where it's you just have to do it.

Juliet Hahn:

You can't sit back and think, okay.

Juliet Hahn:

Oh, this other person did it better than me.

Juliet Hahn:

I shouldn't do it.

Juliet Hahn:

You really need to take that fear.

Juliet Hahn:

And I know it's scary cause there's so many of my clients that are like,

Juliet Hahn:

That fear base, they don't want to fail, but if you have that and you

Juliet Hahn:

And you're just going to have that, you're going to stay in that comfortable,

Juliet Hahn:

And is that worth

David Shriner-Cahn:

it did Julia, how do you connect this?

David Shriner-Cahn:

If you do the self-reflection and you realize, yeah, I really

David Shriner-Cahn:

Cause I don't know if anybody would be interested.

David Shriner-Cahn:

How do you go from that awareness of what the, it is to actually getting to

David Shriner-Cahn:

That's true.

Juliet Hahn:

So my first thing, my first step is what I always

Juliet Hahn:

You go out and start asking people questions.

Juliet Hahn:

You also, this is where the internet and social media is.

Juliet Hahn:

So brilliant.

Juliet Hahn:

Start asking little questions.

Juliet Hahn:

Now you don't have to say, this is my product.

Juliet Hahn:

Would you buy it right?

Juliet Hahn:

You don't want to go out and do that, but you just start asking little questions

Juliet Hahn:

A lot of times it is the people that I work with.

Juliet Hahn:

They have created a product that needs to fit into.

Juliet Hahn:

So it's something that is going to fit a need of someone else,

Juliet Hahn:

So like what that is.

Juliet Hahn:

So really get connected with that and start.

Juliet Hahn:

this is what I literally, my clients do.

Juliet Hahn:

They start writing it down, right?

Juliet Hahn:

They write the steps down.

Juliet Hahn:

This is the passion I have.

Juliet Hahn:

This is the product they want to have.

Juliet Hahn:

This is the little bit of market research they did.

Juliet Hahn:

And then it's okay, let's go find your strengths and weaknesses

Juliet Hahn:

so when I started my podcast, I knew where my strengths and we can start.

Juliet Hahn:

When I started my consulting business, I knew where I was

Juliet Hahn:

And so it was like, okay, let me find where I can have a little bit of support,

Juliet Hahn:

And so that's what I always tell my clients find the thing

Juliet Hahn:

Start that first and then put like your strengths and your weaknesses.

Juliet Hahn:


Juliet Hahn:

Where am I going to need a little bit of support here?

Juliet Hahn:

Where am I going to say?

Juliet Hahn:

And that's where it's okay, let's figure this out.

Juliet Hahn:

How am I going to make this a paycheck?

Juliet Hahn:

And that.

Juliet Hahn:

Then put it all into a system.

Juliet Hahn:

So if you have a, like an online course, or if you have a product, an online

Juliet Hahn:

Also, what I tell my clients is it's a lot of times it's really important

Juliet Hahn:

So if you create some money, but you haven't done the market research and

Juliet Hahn:

Are starting to talk about what you're going to be doing and see where

Juliet Hahn:

It's not a great place to be.

Juliet Hahn:

So you want to do a little bit of.

Juliet Hahn:

Before, and then you start running with it and that's where like some

Juliet Hahn:

I want to have everything done.

Juliet Hahn:

That's not a great place to be.

Juliet Hahn:

Cause you want to do both.

Juliet Hahn:

So maybe you'll have four ducks in a row and a couple other line,

Juliet Hahn:

That's where you want to be.

Juliet Hahn:

Cause that's going to keep taking you the actionable steps moving forward.

Juliet Hahn:

So if, again, if we're talking about an online course, you want

Juliet Hahn:

If it's a product again, do you want to take the steps?

Juliet Hahn:

So for a product you need to get the patent.

Juliet Hahn:

You need to talk to the lawyer, you need to get the prototype.

Juliet Hahn:

So you need to go and make, have someone make that.

Juliet Hahn:

And then you're going to start talking about it market.

Juliet Hahn:

Hey, would you use this?

Juliet Hahn:

Would you do this to see where it is?

David Shriner-Cahn:

I often tell people don't bother creating the website for.

David Shriner-Cahn:

Sell your service first.

David Shriner-Cahn:

See, who's going to buy it because your website is probably going to be different

David Shriner-Cahn:


David Shriner-Cahn:

So if you're selling consulting services, see if you can get a client

David Shriner-Cahn:

Because you're probably going to be wrong in terms of what people will buy

Juliet Hahn:

and you know what, David, I love that.

Juliet Hahn:

You just said that because I think it's, so this is where people, I see

Juliet Hahn:

But just like you said, it's so important to get that first client, see how

Juliet Hahn:

I can't even tell you how many times I have flown the plane as.

Juliet Hahn:


David Shriner-Cahn:

did you do it with your business?

David Shriner-Cahn:

Cause you clearly, like you're in a very different business now

Juliet Hahn:

if this is it's a funny story.

Juliet Hahn:

How I got into the whole consulting, a lot of my.

Juliet Hahn:

That I was working within the fitness world through nutrition.

Juliet Hahn:

They were extremely wealthy.

Juliet Hahn:

Their husbands worked, they stayed home and time again, they

Juliet Hahn:

And I was like, okay.

Juliet Hahn:

They on paper, they look like they should be happy.

Juliet Hahn:

People would look at them and be like, why aren't they happy?

Juliet Hahn:

And the more I would talk to them, it was before.

Juliet Hahn:

They weren't tapping into a creative passion.

Juliet Hahn:

They didn't have anything other than what they, their daily lives.

Juliet Hahn:

A lot of them were playing tennis and having lunch every day.

Juliet Hahn:

And that's all they were doing.

Juliet Hahn:

They were raising their family and they loved that, but they

Juliet Hahn:

That extra thing that kind of lit them on fire that excited them.

Juliet Hahn:

And so when they were telling me this time and time again, I can't

Juliet Hahn:

And I would always come back to.

Juliet Hahn:

Wait a second.

Juliet Hahn:

you've always wanted to write a book or you have this amazing product

Juliet Hahn:

So let's back into this.

Juliet Hahn:

So that's really how I got into my consulting is because my nutrition

Juliet Hahn:

Okay, this is what you want to do.

Juliet Hahn:

And that's really, as my podcast grew, because then I

Juliet Hahn:

Followed a passion and made it into a business.

Juliet Hahn:

It all just came full circle.

Juliet Hahn:

And so I hope that answered your question.

David Shriner-Cahn:

What was the topic of your practice when you launched?

Juliet Hahn:

So when I first launched it was personal journal stories

Juliet Hahn:

I also want it to get these women out of their crazy worlds, moms

Juliet Hahn:

I wanted to tell them stories because I was very prevalent on social media.

Juliet Hahn:

I would get time and time again, people like you have it all together.

Juliet Hahn:

And even though.

Juliet Hahn:

Posts stuff that was not altogether.

Juliet Hahn:

So I would always chuckled.

Juliet Hahn:

I'd be like, okay, you see me being real.

Juliet Hahn:

I wake up, I tell you what I'm doing during the day.

Juliet Hahn:

a hot mess kind of bomb here, but you're still perceiving

Juliet Hahn:

This is really interesting.

Juliet Hahn:

I want to dive into this and figure out why is that?

Juliet Hahn:

So there was a perception of who these people thought I was.

Juliet Hahn:

So I was like, you know what?

Juliet Hahn:

I'm going to tell stories because that's going to get them out

Juliet Hahn:

I started that in 2019 and then.

Juliet Hahn:

During quarantine.

Juliet Hahn:

It was like, okay, I really don't have any really funny stories anymore.

Juliet Hahn:

We're all together.

Juliet Hahn:

we actually were very happy being altogether, but there wasn't a

Juliet Hahn:

So I decided, because I knew when I started this podcast, it was

Juliet Hahn:

Whether it was just a creative outlet or if it turned into

Juliet Hahn:

So during quarantine, I decided I was going to interview

Juliet Hahn:

And I called it quarantined stories.

Juliet Hahn:

And that's when I started interviewing people and asking

Juliet Hahn:

And then that's where then my storytelling part of my consulting business took

Juliet Hahn:

And they would say, That's why I started this business or that's why I

Juliet Hahn:

So that's how like that part of my consulting business on top of the

Juliet Hahn:

And it's really cool to see how it's how it's

David Shriner-Cahn:

Yeah, Juliette, how can you, one of the things that

David Shriner-Cahn:

These opportunities have crept up.

David Shriner-Cahn:

You weren't expecting them yet.

David Shriner-Cahn:

They have led to some great things that connect your passion with

David Shriner-Cahn:

What can you say about how you can be better aware of these

Juliet Hahn:

I love that.

Juliet Hahn:

I love that question.

Juliet Hahn:

So there's a couple of different things.

Juliet Hahn:

One is just be aware.

Juliet Hahn:

all of us are going at such a.

Juliet Hahn:

That we are not aware of what's going on around us.

Juliet Hahn:

And again, whether it's universal or God, there is little signs

Juliet Hahn:

But the other thing is to find that time, and I know this is going

Juliet Hahn:

I, this is what I tell my clients all the time.

Juliet Hahn:

I'm like, I want you to sit and daydream.

Juliet Hahn:

And they're like, what?

Juliet Hahn:

And I'm like, yes, we're not in class where the teacher is going to yell at you.

Juliet Hahn:

It's so important.

Juliet Hahn:

Whether it's the shower, whether it's I do it.

Juliet Hahn:

When I walk my dogs, I can't meditate in the traditional meditation way because.

Juliet Hahn:

I am a fast mover.

Juliet Hahn:

I'm on the go.

Juliet Hahn:

My brain needs to be working to be able to daydream.

Juliet Hahn:

And so that's the other thing I tell my clients.

Juliet Hahn:

I want you to find that time and that space where you can dream about

Juliet Hahn:

And this is part of my workshop that I do is I want my clients to write

Juliet Hahn:

It doesn't matter about what other people are going to say to you.

Juliet Hahn:

How do you perceive your life?

Juliet Hahn:

the life that you've always wanted.

Juliet Hahn:

What is it?

Juliet Hahn:

And I just want you to write it down.

Juliet Hahn:

Is it that you live on the water?

Juliet Hahn:

Do you live in the mountains?

Juliet Hahn:

Do you have a huge house, a smaller house?

Juliet Hahn:

Is it that what are the freedoms that you would want with having this business?

Juliet Hahn:

That's going to create you unlimited funds.

Juliet Hahn:

So I really go there where it's okay, let's paint this out.

Juliet Hahn:

Let's point, get that picture.

Juliet Hahn:

And then from there, once my clients do that.

Juliet Hahn:

And so that's what your listeners can do right now.

Juliet Hahn:

And just really write that down and then find that time again,

Juliet Hahn:

And then when you do that, You're all.

Juliet Hahn:

If this is the path that you're meant to do, you're going

Juliet Hahn:

You're going to hear a little things around.

Juliet Hahn:

You're going to meet someone that's Hey, I just started my own business.

Juliet Hahn:

I'm doing this.

Juliet Hahn:

You're going to be like, wait a second.

Juliet Hahn:

How did you do that?

Juliet Hahn:

How, what did you do?

Juliet Hahn:

And then you're going to start asking questions and talking to people and

Juliet Hahn:

Sometimes they shut and you're supposed to make a left instead of around.

Juliet Hahn:

But that's what life is about to explore, to be curious, ask questions, really

David Shriner-Cahn:

said, Juliet.

David Shriner-Cahn:

we've covered a lot of territory.

David Shriner-Cahn:

If someone wants to go deeper with anything we've shown.

David Shriner-Cahn:

Access any resources you have, or get in touch with you,

Juliet Hahn:

to go.

Juliet Hahn:

So they can go to my website, which is I am Juliet, hon.

Juliet Hahn:

And that's J U L I E T H a H n.com and also on all the socials.

Juliet Hahn:

But that's the, you can email me from there.

David Shriner-Cahn:

Sounds good.

David Shriner-Cahn:

Juliet, I want to thank you so much for taking the time to join

David Shriner-Cahn:

My guest has been storyteller consultant, public speaker, and

Juliet Hahn:


Juliet Hahn:

Thank you so much, David.

Juliet Hahn:

I so appreciate it.

David Shriner-Cahn:

When you visit the smashing the plateau

David Shriner-Cahn:

On today's episode with Juliet, hon, we learned how important it

David Shriner-Cahn:

That's why the comradery of supportive collaborative colleagues is the foundation

David Shriner-Cahn:

Being able to share your story in a safe space, where you can get feedback

David Shriner-Cahn:

You'll also find a range of tools and resources to support your

David Shriner-Cahn:

Check out the smashing the plateau community so that you

David Shriner-Cahn:

What you're worth.

David Shriner-Cahn:

Learn more@smashingtheplateau.com slash community.

David Shriner-Cahn:

That's smashing the plateau.com/community.

David Shriner-Cahn:

Thank you for taking the time to listen to our show.

About the author, David Shriner-Cahn

David is the podcast host and community builder behind Smashing the Plateau, an online platform offering resources, accountability, and camaraderie to high-performing professionals who are making the leap from the corporate career track to entrepreneurial business ownership.

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