STP060: Creating a Vibrant Customer Service Culture With Shep Hyken

Shep Hyken has expanded the customer service practices he learned as a twelve-year-old magician into a career as a customer service expert, professional speaker and bestselling author. This week, he speaks about how crucial a healthy customer service culture is to any company, and how companies of any size can help foster a culture of positive feedback—not only through treating customers well, but by treating their own employees well.
Other topics include:
- Starting a business in 2015 vs. starting his first business in 1983
- How online content marketing can help you identify new customers while serving your current customers
- The importance of a flexibility of mindset, at companies of any size
- Why good leaders need clarity of vision, and how employee training can help everyone share that vision
- The importance of hiring new employees who fit a company culture
- What we can learn about leadership from Walt Disney’s picking up garbage at Disneyland
Hyken specializes in helping companies build loyal relationships with their customers and employees. He write regularly for, and has authored several books, including Moments of Magic (1993), The Amazement Revolution (2011), and Amaze Every Customer Every Time (2013). He has also created The Customer Focus program, which helps clients develop a customer service culture and loyalty mindset.
Learn more about Hyken at