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The Unstoppable Startup Featuring Uri Adoni

The Unstoppable Startup Featuring Uri Adoni

Uri Adoni is the author of the book “The Unstoppable Startup – Mastering Israel’s Secret Rules of Chutzpah”, published by Harper Collins.   

We discuss: 

  • The secret sauce of the Israeli high-tech companies [1:53] 
  • Summarizing your 30-minute talk to a tweet [4:07] 
  • The six principles behind the mindset of chutzpah [6:34] 
  • Why you need a good musical ear to dominate your niche [17:48] 
  • How to validate a product before you even build it [21:15] 
  • Foreseeing the future: the hypothesis startups should come up with [22:25] 


Uri has over 20 years of experience in high-tech as the CEO of Microsoft Networks Israel, a venture capitalist at JVP (Jerusalem Venture Partners), one of the leading VC’s in Israel, an angel investor, a board member in numerous companies and a speaker.  

Learn more about Uri at https://www.theunstoppablestartup.com/ and LinkedIn. 


Business Success in an Age of Disruption Featuring Mark Monchek

Business Success in an Age of Disruption Featuring Mark Monchek

Mark Monchek is the Founder and Chief Opportunity Officer of Opportunity Lab, a strategy consulting firm focused on conscious growth.  

We discuss: 

  • A new way to think about disruption and opportunity [1:57] 
  • How a non-unique company thrives during a pandemic [3:21] 
  • The key frameworks necessary to build a culture of sustainability [5:56] 
  • The wider lens of the collective intelligence [7:45] 
  • A respectful back and forth between employees and employers [13:50] 
  • Steps to do a better job of managing through disruptions [18:10] 
  • The humility of interdependence [19:53] 

Mark has worked with leaders from Google, Apple, JPMorgan Chase, General Electric, Goldman Sachs, Adorama, Feltsberg, The New York Times, Wharton School of Business, New York University, Columbia University, NBC, Time Warner, and the United Nations. He’s the author of the Amazon nonfiction bestseller Culture of Opportunity: How to Grow Your Business in an Age of Disruption. 

He’s been featured in Real Leaders, The Better Business Book, the Organization Development Review Journal, Lifetime Network, WPLJ, WCBS, Newsday, Working Women Magazine, and the San Francisco Chronicle. 

Learn more about Mark at https://opplab.com/ and YouTube. 

Control Your Future as an Entrepreneur Featuring Craig M. Chavis, Jr.

Control Your Future as an Entrepreneur Featuring Craig M. Chavis, Jr.

Craig M. Chavis, Jr. is an author and coach that specializes in helping working professionals launch profitable businesses and successfully transition into full-time entrepreneurship.  

We discuss: 

  • Planting the seeds of becoming an entrepreneur [1:55] 
  • None of us are self-made [5:18] 
  • A mentorship that turns things around [6:52] 
  • The most important variable in the PIE formula [9:07] 
  • The entrepreneur of your life [11:05] 
  • Bucket number one and Bucket number two [12:40] 
  • The roadblocks to creating something from nothing [17:04] 
  • The best form of security there is [19:06] 


He is a serial entrepreneur, Returned Peace Corps Volunteer, former division-1 collegiate athlete, and received his BSBA from Samford University and MBA from the University of Tampa. Craig is also a super foodie, world traveler, and lifelong learner.  

Learn more about Craig at https://www.cre8ivecraig.com/ and https://www.burdensofadream.com/.  

Brief Description of Gift 

A signed hardback copy of Craig’s book – Burdens of a Dream  

URL for Free Gift 


Using LinkedIn to Find High Value Clients for Consultants and Coaches Featuring Trevor Turnbull

Using LinkedIn to Find High Value Clients for Consultants and Coaches Featuring Trevor Turnbull

Trevor Turnbull is the CEO of Linked Into Leads and Founder of the transformative Expert Selling programs where he empowers B2B SOLOpreneur consultants and coaches to connect with their “Most Valuable Prospects” using the LinkedIn LINCHPIN Method.

We discuss:

  • The mistakes consultants and coaches make that cause them to be stressed and overworked [2:31]
  • The less daunting perspective on scaling your business [4:25]
  • All the different ways that a person could get in front of their ideal clients [6:14]
  • It always starts with the profile [7:13]
  • Why you should not be afraid to go niche [8:49]
  • How to relate your personal story to your potential clients [12:15]
  • The reason to work with certified coaches and consultants [14:16]
  • How to take opportunity of the situation before marketers ruin it [16:39]
  • Change your thoughts, change your mind, change your life [19:53]

He has served over 26,000 people with his Repeatable, Predictable, Measurable Client Acquisition System and has shared his story and methods in numerous media publications including Forbes, Entrepreneur, Time, Money and Business Insider about how to go from being stressed, frustrated and over-worked to confident, empowered and profitable.

Learn more about Trevor at http://expertselling.comhttp://linkedintoleads.com and http://trevorturnbull.com.

Brief Description of Gift

Trevor’s LinkedIn LINCHPIN Method

URL for Free Gift


Preparing for Adversity Featuring Susan Drumm

Preparing for Adversity Featuring Susan Drumm

Susan Drumm is a CEO Advisor and a Leadership Coach with over 20 years of experience leading teams and senior executives to achieve their potential. 

We discuss:

  • What makes a true resilience [2:27]
  • A fire drill for adversity [5:32]
  • Three centers of leadership intelligence [7:13]
  • Coherence: shifting from anxiety and stress [8:26]
  • How to keep your glass of water always full [13:30]
  • A simple yet powerful practice to move you from a state of crisis to a state of resilience [20:23]
  • Greater stamina in the middle of your lunch [25:31]

Her firm, Meritage Leadership, focuses on leader and team effectiveness by helping develop the capacity and mindsets to lead in today’s disruptive environment. Susan draws on many disciplines. She has graduate degrees from Harvard Law School, Carnegie Mellon University and London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art. Susan obtained the highest level of coaching certification as Master Certified Coach (MCC).

Learn more about Susan at www.meritageleadership.com.

Brief Description of Gift

A two-page handout on building resilience 

URL for Free Gift


Thinking Differently Featuring Neil Sahota

Thinking Differently Featuring Neil Sahota

Neil Sahota is an IBM Master Inventor, United Nations AI Advisor, author of the book Own the A.I. Revolution., and Chief Innovation Officer the University of California. 

We discuss:

  • Why it is so difficult for people to think differently [2:31]
  • The trap of long-term consultant-client relationships [4:46]
  • Why executives should get out there more often [6:38]
  • What we forget about assumptions [9:27]
  • Understand different: why consultants should fall out of love with their idea [12:32]
  • Be different: how to avoid having a superior product fail [15:57]
  • Own different: Why Tesla succeeded with electric cars while others failed [18:13]
  • A little, disruptive, entrepreneurial piece within a big bureaucratic organization [19:57]

Over his 20+ year career, Neil worked with enterprises to launch business ventures by creating next generation products/solutions powered by emerging technology as well as helping organizations create the culture, community, and ecosystem needed to achieve success, like the U.N.’s AI for Good initiative. Neil also actively pursues social good and volunteers with nonprofits like the Zero Abuse Project to prevent child sexual abuse. 

Learn more about Neil at https://www.neilsahota.com/LinkedInTwitter and Instagram.

Thank You to Our Sponsor: SiteHub


Influencing with LinkedIn Featuring Tamar Hela

Influencing with LinkedIn Featuring Tamar Hela

Tamar Hela is an entrepreneur based in Shanghai and the COO of the digital agency Genius Encel. She helps Fortune 500 companies in Asia generate leads through LinkedIn. 

We discuss:

  • What about LinkedIn makes it a great opportunity in China [2:05]
  • The benefits of practicing what you preach [4:50]
  • Approaching community as a good way to pivot, evolve and get feedback [6:32]
  • Why you should use English content on LinkedIn regardless of your location [8:49]
  • What large companies most need on LinkedIn [10:08]
  • How to use a lead magnet to capture people’s attention [13:33]
  • The firms that manage really well in webinars [16:26]
  • It’s all in the follow-up [18:38]

As the Co-President of LinkedIn Local Asia, Tamar has created a network of communities made up of LinkedIn lovers, embracing the original idea of LinkedIn Local: getting to know “the person behind the profile.” Tamar founded the LinkedIn Local Shanghai community, which has more than 3000 members, making it one of the most professional and active networks in China.

Learn more about Tamar at www.geniusencel.agency and LinkedIn.

Thank You to Our Sponsor: SiteHub


Demographics and Marketing Featuring Kenneth Gronbach

Demographics and Marketing Featuring Kenneth Gronbach

Kenneth Gronbach is president of KGC Direct, LLC and is an internationally respected demographer who has been able to forecast societal, commercial, economic, cultural and political phenomena with uncanny accuracy.

We discuss:

  • An unusual blend of marketing savvy and common-sense demography [2:23]
  • The power of shifting demography [5:04]
  • The connection between the millennials and the current protests [5:55]
  • Why businesses should focus on the need of shelter [7:09]
  • Endless opportunities based on a single generation [9:14]
  • Shifts coming up from the current pandemic [11:09]
  • Why there will be better cops in the future [12:47]
  • A kinder business climate: how millennials change the way people work [14:16]
  • Barbie Dolls, Hot Wheels, and Latinos [16:02]

Ken is predicting that the United States and the Americas, because of their superior demographics over any other continent, will excel culturally and economically in the post corona era.

He keynotes all over the United States and the world. His company does high value, customized demographic research. Ken is the author of the current best-selling book The Age Curve: How to Profit from the Coming Demographic Storm. His first book Common Census: The Counter-Intuitive Guide to Generational Marketing was released in 2005. Ken’s 2011 book Decades of Differences: Making It Work is a comprehensive guide to coping with three generations in the workforce. Ken’s newest book Upside: Profiting from the Profound Demographic Shifts Ahead was published in April 2017.

Learn more about Kenneth at www.kgcdirect.com.

Thank You to Our Sponsor: SiteHub


How to Find Corporate Sponsors Featuring Arline Warwick

How to Find Corporate Sponsors Featuring Arline Warwick

Arline Warwick shows businesses, entrepreneurs and nonprofits how to find large sums of money to build their businesses and organizations. 

We discuss:

  • Why you don’t need to be big to have sponsors [2:30]
  • The myth of sponsorship being a donation [5:28]
  • The good guy: How to approach a sponsor [8:19]
  • The best place to start making connections with potential sponsors [11:22]
  • Why a big car company would sponsor a small charter fishing boat [16:34]
  • The importance of following up on a “No” from a sponsor [19:24]

Arline teaches people how to partner with local businesses and corporations so they can work with them and get paid handsomely to do so. After learning from her own experiences and years of research, Arline now guides businesses through a system that reveals the easiest approach to finding the best partnerships so they can grow, blossom and bloom.

Learn more about Arline at Facebook.

Brief Description of Gift

A list of 100 corporations and contact information

URL for Free Gift

Send an email to info@findcorporatesponsors.com with “100” in the subject line

Thank You to Our Sponsor: SiteHub


Marketing in COVID Times

Marketing in COVID Times

Geri Mazur is an award winning brand and marketing strategist. Before starting Geri Mazur Marketing, she was Executive Vice President, Director of Strategic Planning at Saatchi and Saatchi. 

We discuss:

  • When the best marketing happens [2:00]
  • The worst thing you can do in an economic downturn [5:30]
  • How great disruptions breathe new opportunities [8:45]
  • What awaits you at the end of the hell [11:50]
  • The most important input in any communications campaign [13:30]
  • How to figure out where to invest money in outside resources to gain the most right now [16:58]
  • A trade-off between money and your own energy [20:52]

Over her career Geri worked with many Fortune 500 companies in many different product categories, ranging from Purdue Chickens, to Princess Cruises to Pfizer Pharmaceuticals. Today Geri works exclusively with smaller companies helping them tackle today’s complicated marketing environment.

Learn more about Geri at www.gerimazurmarketing.com and LinkedIn.

Brief Description of Gift

Free access to Introduction to Marketing webinar

URL for Free Gift


Business Success as a Fundraising Consultant Featuring Laurence Pagnoni

Business Success as a Fundraising Consultant Featuring Laurence Pagnoni

Laurence was recently introduced at an Association of Fundraising Professional meeting as, “Our Fundraising Guru.” The fundraising dilemmas of nonprofits consume his thoughts each and every day, and he writes about them offering real world solutions: books, white papers, training videos, and his weekly free blog post. 

We discuss:

  • Why fundraising resources often aren’t deep enough [3:42]
  • How non-profits could get to know their donors better [6:15]
  • Pay it forward: a career commitment to public education [7:28]
  • Half a dozen ways to get overhead cost paid for [9:30]
  • Laurence’s magic of being a consultant [11:10]
  • Relief plans for organizational adaptability [14:22]
  • How are you indispensable to your clients? [17:54]
  • The merits of having consultants employed on a short-term basis [20:23]
  • The next generation of fundraisers [21:31]

Laurence has served as the executive director of three nonprofits. He has been a faculty member of the New York University Heyman Center for Philanthropy and Fundraising, and has coached groups of nonprofit executive directors at New Jersey’s Rutgers Business School’s Institute for Ethical Leadership. He writes, teach and consults in order to help advance the nonprofit’s fundraising program. Celebrating 25 years as a member of the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP), he has served on their Planning Committee for Fundraising Day in New York City. He earned three graduate degrees all related to public service. He teaches workshops and offers webinars on fundraising all over the country, across Europe and SE Asia. In response to CV19, he launched special webinars called Our Time to Shine which draw upwards of 500 attendees.

Learn more about Laurence at http://www.lapafundraising.com and www.laurencepagnoni.org.

Brief Description of Gift

A 30-minute free phone consultation about fundraising if you are staff or board member of a nonprofit

URL for Free Gift


Thank You to Our Sponsor: SiteHub


How to Free Yourself from Running Your Business Featuring David Jenyns

How to Free Yourself from Running Your Business Featuring David Jenyns

David’s entrepreneurial journey begins back in his early 20’s when he sold Australia’s most loved sporting ground, the Melbourne Cricket Ground. Since then, his business experience spans from franchising retail clothing stores to founding one of Australia’s most trusted digital agencies, melbourneSEOservices.com.

We discuss:

  • How not to end up locked into the machine you’ve created yourself [2:29]
  • The line you need to draw in the sand [4:57]
  • The hardest piece of a business owner’s world [8:06]
  • How to deliver a core product without the business owner involved [12:38]
  • A little extraordinary example of a business systemized [16:04]
  • Healthy and unhealthy systems in life and business [19:12]
  • The worst person to systemize in a business [21:10]

In 2016, David successfully systemized himself out of the business, hired a CEO and stepped back from the daily operations. Through this process he become a systems devotee – founding systemHUB™ & SYSTEMology®. Today, his mission is to free all business owners worldwide from the daily operations of running their business.

Recognized as a high achieving entrepreneur, you will find many of David’s keynote presentations on YouTube including: TEDx, WordCamp and Problogger.

Learn more about David at www.systemology.com.

Brief Description of Gift

Preview chapters of David’s coming book

URL for Free Gift


Thank You to Our Sponsor: SiteHub


Incremental Steps Lead to Long-Term Sustainability Featuring Catherine VanVonno

Incremental Steps Lead to Long-Term Sustainability Featuring Catherine VanVonno

Catherine VanVonno is the President and CEO of 20four7VA, one of the most trusted remote staffing companies in the eCommerce industry. 

We discuss:

  • The result of teaching and helping others replicate your business [2:52]
  • A natural fit between eCommerce and remote work [5:14]
  • How to have customers develop a new company with you [6:06]
  • Strategies for achieving a balance between flexibility and stability [9:04]
  • How to start adding virtual assistants to your business [14:40]
  • The times when local staffing is better than remote [17:25]
  • Combined hiring approaches that could save businesses money [18:23]
  • What it takes to trust a person who is half a world away [20:34]


On any given day, you’ll find Catherine managing her global team of 40+ right from her kitchen table, demonstrating one of the biggest perks of remote work. Before starting 20four7VA, Catherine worked in the healthcare management industry. She has a Master’s degree in Industrial-Organizational Psychology and a Ph.D. in Research and Evaluation Methods with a cognate in Applied Statistics from the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. Catherine resides in Berlin, Maryland and enjoys traveling with her husband in her free time.

Learn more about Catherine at https://20four7va.com/hire-a-va/LinkedInTwitter and Facebook.

Brief Description of Gift

Waiving of 50% of the setup fee

URL for Free Gift

Promo Code: SMASHING2020

Thank You to Our Sponsor: SiteHub


Why You Should Join a Peer Advisory Board Featuring Ray Silverstein

Why You Should Join a Peer Advisory Board Featuring Ray Silverstein

Ray Silverstein is a small business expert and author with more than three decades of experience and a somewhat unusual approach. 

We discuss:

  • Why it’s time to start breaking things [3:01]
  • Unbiased thoughts on surviving tough circumstances [4:53]
  • Hidden opportunities in thinking differently [7:23]
  • What makes people move forward [9:13]
  • The dos and don’ts of who should fit within a group [11:23]
  • How to blend sophistications when a person naturally outgrows a group [13:55]
  • The correlation between risk-taking and thriving [15:12]
  • Some type of groups, in some place, somehow [16:43]

He gets most of his ideas, not from books and theories, but from in-the-trenches entrepreneurs who pool their collective wisdom in peer advisory board meetings. Ray has facilitated more than 1,500 such meetings since 1993 when he found that PRO (Presidents Resource Organization). This is a peer advisory board network based in Chicago and Phoenix and in addition they also offer online advisory boards.

In his monthly forums small business owners meet to share challenges and solutions, create accountability and offer support.

Ray is the author of two books “The Great Secrets of Great Small Businesses” published by Source Books in 2006 and the newly released “The Small Business Survival Guide: How to Survive and Thrive During Tough Times”.

Learn more about Ray at http://peeradvisoryboard.com/ and LinkedIn.

Brief Description of Gift

A digital of copy of “The Small Business Survival Guide: How to Survive and Thrive During Tough Times”

URL for Free Gift

Send an email to ray@peeradvisoryboard.com

Thank You to Our Sponsor: SiteHub


How to Be a Serial Entrepreneur Featuring Nathan Hirsch

How to Be a Serial Entrepreneur Featuring Nathan Hirsch

Nathan Hirsch is an entrepreneur and expert in remote hiring and e-commerce. 

We discuss:

  • Entrepreneurship has a funny way of throwing you around [2:19]
  • The internal job it takes to do small, consistent things every day [3:49]
  • Key ingredients for working with virtual assistants [6:52]
  • Making a decision to sell that’s a win for everybody [8:22]
  • Cracking the VA code [11:26]
  • Helpful resources to make an informed decision when selling your business [13:39]
  • The challenges and opportunities that come with opening a business during a global economic disruption [15:09]
  • The name of the game: systems and processes [17:30]
  • How to add value to a client when you’re not an expert at what they ask for [21:34]

Nathan co-founded FreeeUp.com with 5k and grew it to 12 million a year in revenue. FreeeUp was then acquired in 2019. It is a marketplace that connects businesses with pre-vetted freelancers in e-commerce, digital marketing, and much more. Nathan has sold over $30 million online and regularly appears on leading business podcasts around the world.

Learn more about Nathan at outsourceschool.com, his personal Facebookhis business page on FacebookTwitterLinkedIn and Instagram.

Brief Description of Gift

Free tool for seeing how many virtual assistants you can afford

URL for Free Gift


Thank You to Our Sponsor: SiteHub


Selling Your Expertise Online Featuring Monika Mileva

Selling Your Expertise Online Featuring Monika Mileva

Monika is a marketing consultant helping entrepreneurs scale fast by building social proof and expert status, and blending automation, organic and paid marketing for faster growth.

We discuss:

  • Achieving a larger reach in a noisier Internet space [1:37] 
  • Every pivot makes you better at what you do [4:23]
  • How to make your [financial] business visible online [6:58]
  • Three online sales strategies that low-budget business owners can immediately implement [9:01]
  • How to overcome the agony of getting your first piece of content out there [13:21]
  • Swap [15:37]
  • Why speaking online might give you more traction than speaking in your neighborhood [17:44]
  • How social proof beats experience and skills [18:24]
  • The perseverance one needs to start and keep up with the global online trends [19:39]
  • The next level of online marketing [20:39]

Learn more about Monika at https://theexpertimpact.com/opf and Facebook.

Thank You to Our Sponsor: SiteHub


Publishing for Consultants and Coaches Featuring Steve Feld

Publishing for Consultants and Coaches Featuring Steve Feld

Steve Feld is a coach, author, professional speaker, and award-winning business management executive. He has with over 30 years of extensive senior-level experience in highly competitive industries. An expert in all aspects of business, Steve has a large passion for everything business.

We discuss:

  • A great relationship of giving back [1:37]
  • The collaborative method: the power of mastermind groups [4:54]
  • The problem with new consultants and coaches trying to jump the cubicle [6:28]
  • Why you should “use” a sniper rifle when targeting your customers [8:34]
  • Top three problems of small business owners [9:20]
  • Building a strong niche business in less than a month [10:23]
  • It’s hard to see all the trees in a forest [13:30]
  • How being a published author changes clients’ perspectives [16:18]
  • The importance of having systems and processes for thriving in challenging times [19:37]
  • Why nobody is going to steal your idea [20:53]

Steve created and owned six-figure businesses and operated three others. He managed divisions for three brand name Fortune 500 companies. Steve has written three books about business. He co-owns a publishing company geared to coaches, consultants, and experts. Steve also conducts workshops and training on a variety of subjects for business owners.

Learn more about Steve at https://www.bizcoachsteve.com.

Brief Description of Gift

Spotlight book program where anyone can get their own “expert” book published within 30 days

URL for Free Gift


Thank You to Our Sponsor: SiteHub


Believe in Your Business Featuring James Lam

Believe in Your Business Featuring James Lam

James has 15+ years of “in the trenches” marketing experience. He is happy to have worked together with businesses from dozens of industries and hundreds of people over that time. James meets you where you are (with no judgment), and specializes in coming up with a concrete plan to move your business forward. Most importantly, James teaches you to believe in your business and yourself.

We discuss:

  • Ideas are a dime a dozen [1:51]
  • How to take back control of your company once you’ve put its fate in the hands of another company [3:54] 
  • Random acts of marketing [6:30]
  • It’s not funny when you’re missing money [8:14]
  • The number one reason why people switch companies [11:06]
  • Three key elements for increasing your marketing presence [13:08]
  • Responsive ability: How small businesses should talk to customers [14:59]
  • All you need to be doing is fostering and connecting [16:40]
  • Why you should start a group on social media now [21:40]

James teaches his clients not just the step-by-step “how-to”, but he also teaches his clients how to think about marketing strategically. This puts the power back into your own hands. James has been featured in both the Globe & Mail and also the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC).

Learn more about James at https://www.lookaheadmarketing.com/erf.

Brief Description of Gift

Two free documents: “How to Market to Your Customers in the Past, Present and Future” and “Facebook Ads Structures That Actually Work”

URL for Free Gift                       


Diversifying Your Income to Minimize Disruption Featuring Jason Van Orden

Diversifying Your Income to Minimize Disruption Featuring Jason Van Orden

Jason helps thought leaders to reach a larger audience with their ideas, create new income streams from their expertise, and build business models that align with their values and goals. 

We discuss:

  • The power to share your expertise and make good money out of it [2:51]
  • Packaging people’s knowledge through online courses [8:24]
  • Successful strategies for building stability when you’re a thought leader [9:50]
  • Four pieces you need to put together a great offer [13:50]
  • How to fortify yourself against ups and downs [18:57]
  • How to get from a brand new idea to an online course in three weeks with a small list [20:28]
  • The lean launch method as the lowest-risk, least-cost, fastest way to testing something out [24:10]

As a consultant, trainer, and strategist, Jason draws from more than fourteen years of researching top Internet influencers and experimenting with his own personal experience. His experience includes creating multiple successful brands, launching over 60 online courses, teaching more than 10,000 entrepreneurs, generating seven figures in online course sales, and 8 million downloads of his podcast. Jason’s mission is to help visionaries with impactful ideas to connect with the people they serve best and the problems they can most uniquely solve.

Learn more about Jason at www.jasonvanorden.com and https://linktr.ee/impactpodcast.

Brief Description of Gift

Case study about launching an online course quickly

URL for Free Gift


Thank You to Our Sponsor: SiteHub


Creating Content That Generates Leads Featuring Pierre-Nicolas Schwab

Creating Content That Generates Leads Featuring Pierre-Nicolas Schwab

Dr. Pierre-Nicolas Schwab is the founder of market research agency IntoTheMinds. He has carried out more than 100 assignments in various industries (retail, telecom, e- and m-commerce, media, IT, banking, etc.), combining his passion for data and qualitative methods to better understand customers’ behaviors.

We discuss:

  • An engineer’s passion for marketing [2:12]
  • The signs that show you whether a client is a good candidate for you [4:31]
  • The discipline you need so that clients start coming to you [7:27]
  • A long-term effort for turning content into the right kind of awareness [9:44]
  • The things that Google likes you to do [11:47]
  • The ways in which content can be beneficial to get through rough times [13:26]
  • Why [and how] you should keep on investing time, effort or money in content creation during a tough period [15:54]
  • It’s easier to navigate a smaller ship through bad weather [17:25]

Pierre-Nicolas was the manager in charge of Big Data for Belgium public broadcaster from 2015 until 2019. He served as Chairman of the Big Data Initiative (BDI) of the European Broadcasting Union from 2016 until 2019.

Pierre-Nicolas holds a MSc in material science, an MBA in strategy and a PhD in quantitative marketing.

Learn more about Pierre-Nicolas at www.intotheminds.com.

Thank You to Our Sponsor: SiteHub


Moment or Movement Featuring Donna Fullerton and Jane Hyun

Moment or Movement Featuring Donna Fullerton and Jane Hyun

Donna Fullerton has decades of experience in the worlds of advertising and research, where she developed a toolkit of skills (including innovative/traditional and communications effectiveness techniques, Creative Problem-Solving, Neurolinguistic Programming and Mindset Coaching).

Jane Hyun advises leaders and organizations on leveraging diversity and culture to drive high performance and innovation. 

We discuss:

  • A key variable on how people are seen [3:00]
  • The beauty of translating things in context [5:33]
  • Vulnerable statements as a place of genuineness [8:34]
  • A new element that needs to be part of the fabric of every company [11:00]
  • Who’s missing from the table [15:34]
  • The opportunity of small businesses to become personal [17:22]
  • Why small businesses are more capable of making the necessary shift happen [20:46]
  • An influencer’s role in making realistic changes in the areas of diversity and inclusion [23:18]
  • Why we need to accept we are actually biased [26:09]
  • Celebrating all of us as part of the society we’ve created [28:09]
  • The barriers that prevent us from connecting with each other [29:47]

Donna applies her vast expertise to elicit underlying consumer motivation/insights and to help small business owners re-imagine their businesses by identifying promising opportunities and designing a strategic action plan to support business development. Donna has Advanced Degrees from Pace University, Executive Certifications in Strategic Marketing from University of Chicago, co-authored, “The Freedom Zone: Your Gateway to Love, Liberty and Happiness” and created “Food For The Soul,” an online source of daily inspiration. 

Learn more about Donna at http://dmfcominc.comLinkedInhttp://foodforthesoul.us.   

Drawing on 25 years of experience navigating change in high-stakes business environments, Jane’s clients have included over 200 corporations, conferences and universities, including PepsiCo, eBay, and ESPN. Her insights appear in CNN, Harvard Business Review, CNBC, The Wall Street Journal, and NPR. She is a top 50 Marshall Goldsmith Leading Global Coach. Jane’s sessions and keynotes are known for creating “unexpected light bulb moments” that help us work better together. Jane is author of the national bestseller, Breaking the Bamboo Ceiling, and co-author of FLEX/The New Playbook for Managing Across Differences. 

Learn more about Jane at http://www.hyunassociates.com/LinkedIn and Twitter.

Humor Engineering Featuring Andrew Tarvin

Humor Engineering Featuring Andrew Tarvin

Andrew Tarvin is the Founder and CEO of Humor That Works, teaching professionals how to use humor to achieve better business results. 

We discuss:

  • Comedy equals tragedy plus time [1:53]
  • Stress is not a bad thing when dealt with humor [2:41]
  • How engineers could be funny as well [4:00]
  • A humor map that helps you strategize laughter as a business tool [6:20]
  • How to use humor to strengthen your network [7:30]
  • Why it’s important to understand the different styles of humor [9:23]
  • Curating humor breaks for greater efficiency at work [10:26]
  • Laughter as a way to get people on the same side together [12:49]
  • What tracking and rating managers’ humor could improve at work [13:56]
  • Why you should start your town hall meetings with knock-knock jokes [17:39]
  • Elevating humor as a vital skill to learn [19:48]

Andrew has partnered with leading organizations including IBM, the UN, and the FBI to solve human challenges with humor solutions.

A best-selling author, Andrew has been featured in The Wall Street Journal and FastCompany, and was named a Visionary Under 40 by the P&G Alumni Network. His TEDx talk on the skill of humor has been viewed more than six million times, only half of which were his mother.

Learn more about Andrew at https://www.humorthatworks.com.

Brief Description of Gift

A 7-day humor challenge

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Learn How to Work on Your Business Featuring Terry Ogburn

Learn How to Work on Your Business Featuring Terry Ogburn

Terry Ogburn is the owner of Ogburn’s Business Solutions. He has developed a Business Development Process that helps Entrepreneurs and Business Owners learn the importance of working on your business instead of being caught up in the day-to-day grind. His unique system and personal devotion to the development of others has contributed to the excess of hundreds of small to large business ventures.

We discuss:

  • The best people to sell your business to [2:06]
  • If you take care of the customer, the customer takes care of you [4:11]
  • Why it’s smarter to empower the frontline person than the manager [5:54]
  • How low-margin businesses could forecast sales and expenditures [8:57]
  • The stages of business development that would require help [13:07]
  • The words you should [not] put on your business card [15:42]
  • Embracing technology as a key to multitasking [17:30]
  • The 30-2-2 Rule: how to sell in an era when nobody wants to be sold [20:47]

Terry began his business career in 1979 when he invested his last $118.42 to start an air conditioning service business. At that time, he had no car or truck, but he did have the knowledge and ability to build relationships. By 1983, he was a top 5 nominee for Small Businessman of the Year. In 1984, he won the award for Outstanding Young Businessman of the Year for the State of Florida. In 1985, successful in his business and recognized as a leader in the business community, he began to mentor other small business owners. In 1989 he developed his own business success program based on his experience and the teachings of his favorite business books. 

His program was so successful that in 1992 Terry was asked to join UniGlobe Active Travel as a Director of Operations to boost individual store performance. Within months, he took the store to a $2.5 million Dollar Travel Agency. He then took the program national to improve performance organization wide. In 1994 he became a founding team member of EXA Travel International and took on the role of Director of Training & Development and within two years the company grew to 11 regional offices, with over 2000 franchisees and went public in late 1996.

Learn more about Terry at https://terryogburn.com/ and http://www.ogburnsbusinesssolutions.com.

Brief Description of Gift

Free Coaching Session

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How to Pinpoint Your Perfect Business Featuring Kat McLead

How to Pinpoint Your Perfect Business Featuring Kat McLead

Kat McLead is the creator of Pinpoint Your Perfect Business: *the* proven framework for pinpointing your perfect niche for a high profit, high purpose, and high pleasure business while staying MOM first.

We discuss:

  • Why the riches are truly in the niches [1:40]
  • The most common [mom] traps when moving into entrepreneurship [6:56]
  • What to do when circumstances change in your niche business [10:04]
  • The art of combining skills for developing a high-profit business [12:17]
  • The best way to start a niche business [13:58]
  • The signs that show you which is the right business for you [15:28]
  • When it is the appropriate time to pivot after niching down [18:13]
  • How to craft the offer that your clients want to buy [19:14]

Kat helped sex workers transition out of the adult industry into high profit entrepreneurship 13 years ago. And that’s how she developed the Profit and Purpose Framework. It’s since been continually refined and is now designed specifically for busy moms.

She started her first multiple 6 figure business 20 years ago, and hasn’t slowed down since, not even after having her son. A fun fact: That business’ profits meant that she had way more money than her husband when they first got married, and was able to pay the entire $450,000 down payment on their home. 

Learn more about Kat at https://www.sahmentrepreneur.com

Brief Description of Gift

The 4 Key Steps to Starting Your Own Ideal, High Profit Business as a busy Stay at Home Mom

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Positive Impact with Innovative Chef Cynthia Sestito

Positive Impact with Innovative Chef Cynthia Sestito

Cynthia Sestito is a chef/ restaurant owner and consultant. She has been in this business for 25 years. Before that she had a clothing and fabric / houseware goods company in Paris and New York. Cynthia has two dresses in the Met collection/ awards.

We discuss:

  • Self-protection at times of adversity [2:40]
  • The propelling factor of never being successful enough [4:14]
  • How to maneuver into the next part of dealing with the COVID-19 situation [7:09]
  • Why you can’t be afraid of challenging times [9:04]
  • New worlds that can make cooking exciting again [10:48]
  • Heightening a dinner experience: smell, flavor and health [13:04]
  • Sticks and seeds and lousy weed [18:25]
  • The time to hear yourself [21:50]
  • A memoir of life and food [24:31]
  • What makes a cooking book stands out [26:49]

In 2017, Cynthia woke up to find her catering business was gone, for myriad reasons, including kitchen fire and burns, loss of license, loss of home and a bad partnership. Cynthia is currently trying to reestablish her catering on a smaller scale, and she is creating foods in the world of micro-dosed cannabis. 

Cynthia is an alumnae of the show Top Chef, and she recently appeared on the Netflix show Cooked with Cannabis. She has spent the last two years writing a cannabis cookbook and the outline / recipes for a memoir cookbook.

Learn more about Cynthia at www.cynfulfood.com, www.cynfulycanna.com and Instagram.

Thank You to Our Sponsor: SiteHub


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