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How You Can Find Resources for Exponential Opportunity Featuring Mark Monchek

Mark Monchek is the Founder and Chief Opportunity Officer of Opportunity Lab, a strategy and facilitation consultancy helping mission-driven organizations grow thriving, resilient businesses that create abundance for everyone they touch.

In today’s episode of Smashing the Plateau, you will learn how you can find the resources for exponential opportunity.

Mark and I discuss:

  • The blurring of the lines between employees and consultants [03:42]
  • How to think about your resources and your value [05:10]
  • An exercise to develop a generosity mindset [7:49]
  • How consultants and coaches can leverage their resources [14:55]
  • His own future opportunity [18:30]

Mark is the author of the Amazon nonfiction bestseller Culture of Opportunity: How to Grow Your Business in an Age of Disruption.

Mark has worked with leaders from Google, Apple, JPMorgan Chase, General Electric, Goldman Sachs, Adorama, TerraCycle, Feltsberg, The New York Times, Wharton School of Business, New York University, Columbia University, NBC, Time Warner, and the United Nations.

He’s been featured in Real Leaders, The Better Business Book, the Organization Development Review Journal, Lifetime Network, WPLJ, WCBS, Newsday, Working Women Magazine, and the San Francisco Chronicle.

Mark has a passion for helping leaders grow organizations that are catalysts for a better world and believes that a strategy only works if you take every part of a business into consideration.

He uses innovative but tested facilitation techniques to help leaders and teams identify their gaps and blind spots, lean into their strengths, and amplify their impact in a changing marketplace.

Learn more about Mark at https://www.linkedin.com/in/markmonchek/, https://opplab.com/

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The Smashing the Plateau Community


Get Colleagues to Tell Your Story the Way You Want to be Known Featuring Dr. Cindy McGovern

Dr. Cindy is best known as the First Lady of Sales™. She is an internationally renowned business and motivational speaker and Wall Street Journal’s best-selling author.

In today’s episode of Smashing the Plateau, you will learn how to get your colleagues to tell your story the way you want to be known.

Cindy and I discuss:

  • Why she decided to write “Sell Yourself” [02:10]
  • How Dr. Cindy describes her own impact [04:57]
  • Where to start creating your framework for your story [07:05]
  • Key strategies for turning your story into new business [10:29]
  • Mistakes consultants make when packaging their brand [12:21]
  • Techniques to help colleagues present the right message about you [14:03]
  • Things you can do to stay top of mind with your referral sources [16:12]
  • Why you need to ask for referrals [19:14]

Dr. Cindy has inspired thousands by getting them to think differently about sales, selling, and success, both in their professional and personal lives. She helps take the ‘ick’ out of sales by helping people to embrace their inner 5-year-old.

Learn more about Cindy at https://drcindy.com/.

How to Create Multiple Revenue Streams Featuring Hannah Smolinski

Hannah Smolinski is a CPA and the founder of Clara CFO Group, a virtual CFO agency providing small businesses with financial clarity and profit maximization strategies.

In today’s episode of Smashing the Plateau, you will learn how to turn your expertise into multiple active and passive revenue streams.

Hannah and I discuss:

  • Hannah’s career [00:40]
  • How Hannah found her business model [05:31]
  • How Hannah developed a recurring revenue model [07:03]
  • Her various revenue streams [13:04]
  • How Hannah started selling digital offerings [16:19]
  • The impact of Hannah’s business on her work/life integration [20:19]

Hannah’s experience working for one of the world’s largest accounting firms inspired her to make corporate expertise accessible to small business owners through fractional CFO services. She also hosts a YouTube channel with over 36,000 subscribers and uses the platform to help small businesses achieve financial success.

Learn more about Hannah at https://www.youtube.com/c/claracfogroup, https://claracfo.com, and hannah@claracfo.com.

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The Smashing the Plateau Community




Caring About Our Clients is Good for Our Business Featuring Craig Lomax

Craig is a leadership development coach. Prior to his career as a coach, he co-founded and directed Rock-N-Water, an adventure camp in California, for thirty years.

In today’s episode of Smashing the Plateau, you will learn why caring for your clients is good for your business.

Craig and I discuss:

  • Craig’s smart dog [02:33]
  • Craig’s career transition [04:25]
  • How Craig changed his way of interacting when he started his business [06:23]
  • How Craig addressed the challenges of pride and insecurity [10:19]
  • Craig’s advice for someone transitioning from employment to coaching [21:10]

Craig and his wife of over thirty years have three adult children and one smart dog.

In his spare time, Craig is a mental health advocate and suicide prevention trainer.

Learn more about Craig at www.craiglomax.com and contact Craig at craig@craiglomax.com.

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The Smashing the Plateau Community




How to Sell Expensive Intangible Services Featuring Steve Gordon

Bestselling author and marketing expert Steve Gordon gives you the blueprint for writing your own Million Dollar Book in days–not months or years–and shows you how to use your book to boldly win the best clients and command premium fees.

In today’s episode of Smashing the Plateau, you will learn how a book can help you sell something that is very expensive and completely intangible that your clients don’t understand.”

Steve and I discuss:

  • How Steve became an expert in how to write a book [02:36]
  • A simplified process to create a book [06:02]
  • When a new consultant should think about creating a book [10:05]
  • The importance of narrowing your focus [12:33]
  • Recognizing your unique, opinionated worldview [15:01]
  • How a book leads to sales [17:09]

Learn more about Steve at https://unstoppableceo.net/,



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The Smashing the Plateau Community




How to Grow Fast When the Opportunity is There Featuring Jess Dewell

Jess Dewell charts courses for resilient growth-oriented companies. She is a consensus builder, culture advocate, and operational executive with more than two decades of business experience.

Sometimes you simply require a little help to spark that business motor into a rip-roaring mode of priority-setting, problem-solving, and goal-attainment to maximize effort.

Working closely with Jess, you learn to ask the right questions and think effectively on your feet.

Jess is nationally recognized for her understanding that the interplay of constraints and growth is where achievement happens.

In today’s episode of Smashing the Plateau, you will learn how to get out of your own way when communication is lagging, and people are spread too thin.

Jess and I discuss:

  • What Jess is proud of in her career [03:27]
  • Helping clients succeed [06:15]
  • The kinds of roles Jess plays [09:08]
  • How Jess’s career evolved [11:55]
  • Her ideal client [18:04]
  • What it takes to be successful as a consultant [20:11]
  • Holding a weekly retreat to work on your business [24:19]

Learn more about Jess at https://www.linkedin.com/in/jessicadewell/ or


Get Jess’s Business Management report here.

Choosing Courage Over Fear Featuring Diana Acuna

Diana Acuna has spent the last 20 years in SaaS, helping companies evaluate and implement software solutions across a variety of industries.

Despite having success throughout her career, deep down she was afraid to be herself and afraid of what other people thought, so she became a perfectionist.

She had focused on the external factors that would progress her career rather than the internal struggles that were holding her back.

One day she decided to choose courage over fear and realized that expressing her feelings, opinions, and emotions wasn’t going to kill her.

In fact, the opposite was true. People engaged and responded positively.

In today’s episode of Smashing the Plateau, you will learn how improving your emotional intelligence can drive lasting change in your career and your life.

Diana and I discuss:

  • Choosing courage over fear [03:26]
  • What happens when you share your struggles [07:57]
  • How you feel about sharing your vulnerabilities [09:55]
  • Techniques for sharing sensitive information [11:59]
  • Diana’s likes and competencies [16:46]
  • Integrating employment and entrepreneurship [18:52]

Today, Diana is a speaker and coaches professionals on how to improve their emotional intelligence so they can drive lasting change in their careers and lives.

Learn more about Diana at https://dianatalks.com or https://www.linkedin.com/in/dianaacuna/.

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 The Smashing the Plateau Community




How to Create Hype with a Secret Society Featuring Michael Schein

Michael F. Schein is the Head Hype Artist at MicroFame Media, a company that specializes in making idea-based businesses famous in their fields.

In today’s episode of Smashing the Plateau, you will learn one of the success secrets used by the world’s greatest self-promoters.

Michael and I discuss:

  • How he uses his “Secret Society” concept [03:20]
  • How to start a “Secret Society” [08:59]
  • The rise in interest in communities [13:51]
  • The unique value Michael offers his “Secret Society” [17:14]
  • When Michael started his “Secret Society” [20:09]
  • The results Michael has observed from participants [21:46]
  • Michael’s ideal client [26:05]

Learn more about Michael at http://microfamemedia.com, https://www.hypereads.com/list, https://twitter.com/MichaelSchein1, and https://www.linkedin.com/in/michaelfrancisschein/.

Thank you to our sponsors: 

The Smashing the Plateau Community




How to Sell Your Expertise and Have Space for Your Family Featuring Holly Hester-Reilly

In today’s episode of Smashing the Plateau, you will learn how to sell your expertise when it’s new to the market and have space for your family.

Holly and I discuss:

  • How her career evolved [03:03]
  • What caused her to focus on product initiatives [04:33]
  • Working as an employee vs. an entrepreneur [05:17]
  • The hurdles transitioning into entrepreneurship [06:10]
  • Finding solutions for financial tracking and staying motivated [06:45]
  • How you know when it’s time to get help [07:33]
  • Responding to a hefty price tag for help [09:09]
  • How Holly realized she needed a method to stay motivated [09:39]
  • Using a mastermind to stay motivated [10:13]
  • What it’s like to sell your expertise when it’s new to the market [12:05]
  • How Holly determined her content marketing process [14:06]
  • Where Holly distributes her content and why she chose those channels [14:47]
  • What portion of her time Holly devotes to content marketing [15:51]
  • What process Holly uses to build her network [16:18]
  • What advice Holly has for experts selling ideas that are new to the market [17:40]
  • Looking to the future, what Holly wants to be well known for [18:27]

Holly is a former Columbia University research scientist and has spent the last 15 years leading product initiatives at startups, high-growth companies, and enterprises like FalconX, MediaMath, Shutterstock, The Lean Startup Co, Unilever, Capital One, and Weight Watchers.

Holly also teaches at NYU Stern School of Business as well as public and private workshops and has spoken about building high-growth products for events such as Lean Startup Summit Europe, ProductTankNYC, Parsons School of Design, and INDUSTRY: The Product Conference.

Learn more about Holly at www.productsciencepodcast.com.

Thank you to Our Sponsor:

The Smashing the Plateau Community

How to Build an Authority Business Featuring Rochelle Moulton

Rochelle Moulton turns independent consultants into authorities. The author of The Authority Code: How To Position, Monetize And Sell Your Expertise, she has been called “an emotional Red Bull” for her balance of inspiration and practical advice.

In today’s episode of Smashing the Plateau, you will learn how to go from expertise to authority, along with big financial benefits.

Rochelle and I discuss:

  • Some of the differences between experts and authorities [03:18]
  • Patterns that emerge from experts that effectively market their authority [08:54]
  • The most important sales target when you market your authority [11:24]
  • How taking a stand can generate risk in your head [14:23]
  • How long it may take to build a financially successful authority business [19:11]
  • Business model differences between experts and authorities [20:55]

Learn more about Rochelle at https://rochellemoulton.com/.

Thank you to Our Sponsor: 

The Smashing the Plateau Community


How to Use an Easy System to create Video Content Featuring Vikram Rajan

Vikram Rajan is the co-founder of Videosocials, a video blogging system for lawyers, accountants, consultants & coaches.

In today’s episode of Smashing the Plateau, you will learn how you can use an easy system to create video content to increase your word-of-mouth referrals.

Vikram and I discuss:

  • What he learned about marketing to a niche [06:47]
  • Understanding the pain points of your niche [07:59]
  • Why is content creation an important marketing activity when you are selling your expertise [10:03]
  • Why a system is important for creating content [15:59]
  • How to identify a good system for your business [17:23]

Vikram is also the founder of Videosocials’ VIP service: Video Interview Podcast management for those who want to “just show up at show time!” And have all the time-consuming, annoying stuff done for them.

Learn more about Vikram at www.Videosocials.net.

Why Your Vision Needs to be BIG Featuring Natalie Ledwell

Dame Natalie Ledwell is a bestselling author, host of the podcast, Not Over, Just Different, co-host of the cable TV show WAKE UP, and founder of Mind Movies, the hugely successful and revolutionary online Personal Development company that has reached over 10 million people worldwide.

In today’s episode of Smashing the Plateau, you will learn how to identify your niche and create a BIG vision to turn it into reality.

Natalie and I discuss:

  • How she found her audience [02:26]
  • Why personal development and mindset are her primary focus [03:15]
  • How to wind down activities as you are launching something new [05:46]
  • Why surrounding yourself with the right people is critical to your success [10:31]
  • The importance of a BIG vision [15:03]
  • How 50+ year old women can achieve success that fills their soul [16:45]

Learn more about Natalie at: 




How to Find a Niche that Sells Featuring Andrew Kamphey

Andrew Kamphey had a very meandering career. He became a google sheets wizard and now sells a very lucrative niche offering based on his skills.

In today’s episode of Smashing the Plateau, you will learn the very simple process Andrew used to find his niche.

Andrew and I discuss:

  • What caused his career to lead to google sheets [02:22]
  • How Andrew created a business around his google sheets niche [10:55]
  • How to persevere until you experience success [15:11]
  • What Andrew learned about building a niche offering [19:25]

Learn more about Andrew at https://bettersheets.co.

How to Transform Content from Boring to Brilliant Featuring Tom Ruwitch

Tom Ruwitch is founder and Chief Story Officer at Story Power Marketing. Coaches, consultants, and other experts hire Tom to power up their stories because most dish out the same “blah, blah, blah” content, put prospects to sleep, and then feel fed up and stuck.

In today’s episode of Smashing the Plateau, you will learn how to transform content from boring to brilliant, turn marketing from frustrating to fun, and convert results from pitiful to profitable.

Tom and I discuss:

  • Why he started Story Power Marketing [03:04]
  • Why he decided to focus on expert-based businesses [05:13]
  • Why relationships are so important [08:39]
  • How storytelling distinguishes you as an expert [16:12]

Learn more about Tom at:




How to Build a Solo Marketing Strategy Business Featuring Eric Elam

Eric Elam is the founder and president of Elam Associates, a solo marketing agency focused on delivering customized marketing solutions for small and midsized companies.

In today’s episode of Smashing the Plateau, you will learn how to start and build a solo business in your field of expertise.

Eric and I discuss:

  • His career journey
  • How Eric went out on his own
  • How long it took Eric to land his first client
  • We’re all product of our past environments
  • Why you need to invest in marketing during economic challenges
  • How to listen for your ideal client opportunity

Eric’s 3 decades plus career traversed from corporate side marketer to consultant to ad agency executive, then on to his current solopreneur role. Eric resides in Cincinnati, Ohio with his wife of 41 years, Cindy.

You can learn more about Eric at:





How to Use LinkedIn to Build Your Consulting Business Featuring Marc Halpert

LinkedIn trainer Marc Halpert helps consultants and professional service professionals build their thought leadership with LinkedIn.

In todays’ episode of Smashing the Plateau, you will learn how to be viewed on LinkedIn as a resource providing high-quality, consistent ideas to your audience.

Marc and I discuss:

  • How to increase your revenue [03:02]
  • How often you should update your profile [07:28]
  • How to get people to see your posts [09:40]
  • Quantity vs. structure in your activity [13:19]
  • Using non-text content [22:58]
  • Marc’s vision for LinkedIn [26:11]

Marc W. Halpert is a self-described “multi-preneur.” Since leaving the corporate finance world in 2001, Marc has started 3 companies, all of which he still operates.

In 2010, Marc started his third concurrent company, connect2collaborate, to spread his LinkedIn and networking evangelism to train and coach others. In all his LinkedIn training and coaching, he offers professionals the opportunity to better explain their brand and positioning on their LinkedIn profile pages: who they really are and why them vs. the competition.

For several months, Marc ranked among the top 5 list for fastest growth in number of followers among global LinkedIn coaches and trainers (#1 in August 2020!). He attributes that standing to consistently high-quality curated material and original thought leadership he shares daily on LinkedIn.

As a personal LinkedIn coach, he advises and mentors professionals to tell “why they do what they do” (not “what”) as he works with them to renovate their LinkedIn personal and company profiles.

As a LinkedIn trainer, Marc has been recognized as a high-energy speaker at national and regional Conferences, instructor to sales/marketing and HR/training departments at large and small professional service firms and businesses, and trainer in specialized groups of professionals such as associations.

Marc is a frequent podcast guest, has authored numerous articles on the latest LinkedIn techniques for self-branding in national publications, both in paper and online. He blogs every business day with a LinkedIn Nugget.

His book, LinkedIn Marketing Strategies for Law and Professional Practices (2021 second edition, American Bar Association), helps all types of professionals learn to better market themselves using the tools in LinkedIn.

Learn more about Marc at https://connect2collaborate.com, https://www.linkedin.com/in/marchalpert/, https://twitter.com/marchalpert, and https://www.facebook.com/connecttwocollaborate

How to Sell Your Expertise as a Consultant Featuring Craig Swanson

Craig is a Former IT Consultant, Co-Founder of CreativeLive, and Seattle EO Accelerator Chair

We discuss:

  • How Craig learned to sell consulting services
  • How to have a sales mindset
  • Where to create the boundary between what you give away and what you charge for
  • How employee vs. consulting behavior impacts your sales ability
  • How to turn a surface-level question into a sales conversation
  • Finding out how much a prospect really wants to solve a problem
  • How you can leave a job and start selling yourself as a consultant

Craig Co-Founded CreativeLive, and he is now the Seattle EO Accelerator Chair.

Learn more about Craig at https://craigswanson.org, and on LinkedIn.

How to Figure It Out as You Go Featuring Julie DeLucca-Collins

Julie DeLucca-Collins is the Founder and CEO of Go Confidently Services and the host of the popular Casa DeConfidence Podcast®.

We discuss:

  • A journey of a teacher to the corporate world [02:28]
  • The planner without a real solid plan [06:18]
  • Mr. Google as a good ally in the career journey [10:51]
  • The fear of talking to your first potential client [12:29]
  • When price is rarely the issue [15:50]
  • Why you should make your pricing packages sexy [17:24]
  • A referral from a superfan [19:18]
  • How to overcome the drama that might come with being an entrepreneur [20:25]

As a Business and Life Strategist Coach, Julie helps women business owners launch or grow their businesses, get clients, be productive, and achieve their dreams. Julie helps her clients create simple habits to achieve goals and change lives. Julie is also the best-selling author of the newly released book Confident You (simple habits to live the life you’ve imagined).

Learn more about Julie at https://www.goconfidentlycoaching.com.

How Long Does It Take to Become Famous? Featuring Maria Rosati

Maria Rosati is the founder and CEO of Eminence Communications – a boutique advisory working with change makers to build brands and corporate reputations.

We discuss:

  • How to [re]embrace your individualism [02:40]
  • The people that [don’t] want to be a cog in the wheel [05:30]
  • A mental equation to help you know if entrepreneurship is for you [08:38]
  • Women in corporate communication who are past the age of 60 [10:20]
  • What it feels like to take control of your destiny [13:11]
  • When entrepreneurs should turn the lights out and shut the door [15:47]
  • The power of community to test your idea [17:58]
  • The difference between having the business come to you through referrals versus selling [20:19]
  • Right and wrong ways to build a personal brand [21:54]

Learn more about Maria at www.eminencenyc.com and LinkedIn.

Aligning Your Brand with Your Authentic Self Featuring Suzanne Tulien

As author of The 6 Myths of Small Business Branding, and author of and co-pioneer of Brand DNA; Uncover Your Organization’s Genetic Code for Competitive Advantage, and her 3rd book, Personal Brand Clarity; Identify, Define, & Align to What You Want to Be Known For, she is helping to pave the evolutionary highway for businesses to grow by conscious, strategic design, not by default! She facilitates the Brand DNA methodology (an internal brand identification, definition and alignment process) for her clients across the U.S.

We discuss:

  • Unique differentiators to use when describing yourself [02:54]
  • How to start sharing personal information in brand development [07:10]
  • Conscious versus unconscious branding [11:25]
  • How to course-correct when you feel out of alignment [12:40]
  • How clarity can help when going out of your comfort zone [16:10]
  • How to create a brand clarity process [19:11]

Learn more about Suzanne at https://brandascension.com, LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram.

Understanding the Power of Perseverance Featuring Tina Larsson

Tina Larsson is the co-founder and owner of The Folson Group, the premier coop and condo cost consultant who helps NYC coop and condo owners and apartment building owners increase their property values. The company is a business consultant and a disruptor in the residential real estate world. Tina holds a LEED Green Associate designation and is on a mission to make NYC greener, more sustainable and more affordable one building at a time.

We discuss:

  • How not to introduce yourself as a financial advisor [02:20]
  • It takes ten years to make an overnight success [06:10]
  • How to prove there’s a high demand when no one sees it [08:26]
  • The sweet spot for a new business idea [13:25]
  • Unexpected ways that you can get fired [15:02]
  • Not a social media platform but a networking event [22:00]

Learn more about Tina at https://www.thefolsongroup.com/

How to Create Fun + Easy Video Marketing Featuring Nina Froriep

Nina Froriep has seen it all from the early 90ies on independent features, to big national TV commercials, corporate mega-shows, and Emmy award-winning documentary films, including one she produced and directed, called Abraham’s Children.

We discuss:

  • A better, faster, cheaper way to put yourself out with videos [02:25]
  • The connection between finding your audience and niching down [06:34]
  • What people really need to start shooting videos [08:21]
  • Three kinds of groups that find it hard to show up on video [12:32]
  • How to gain confidence to post your videos online [14:38]
  • The biggest fears about creating videos [18:53]
  • Future trends in video production [21:52]

Today she’s super excited to enable business coaches and service-based entrepreneurs to grow their businesses with fun + easy video marketing so they can attract their ideal clients.

Learn more about Nina at https://clockwiseproductions.com and LinkedIn.

Building a Product to Solve Your Own Pain Point Featuring David Henzel

David Henzel is the CEO of upcoach and a veteran entrepreneur who has been building in the saas and e-com space for over 20 years. He had multiple exits, including MaxCDN.

We discuss:

  • Applying business principles to your personal life [03:14]
  • A one-stop-shop for your coaching business [06:57]
  • 80% of the problems in the coaching industry [08:03]
  • How to avoid scaling too fast in the initial phase [11:24]
  • What makes upcoach different from other similar platforms [14:11]
  • The liberation of hiring people who are better than you [16:27]

His passion is to help individuals and their organizations reach their full potential.

Aside from upcoach (Coaching Delivery System), he has a small portfolio of companies including LTVplus, (Outsourcing for e-commerce & saas), TaskDrive (Sales Development), Shortlist.io (Digital Marketing Agency), and his passion project Managing Happiness (Peak Performance Group Coaching for entrepreneurs).

Learn more about David at www.davidhenzel.com/, www.upcoach.com, www.managinghappiness.com, LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook.

Reimagining Growth Through Strategic Partnership Featuring Daniel Varroney

Daniel A. Varroney is the author of the groundbreaking new book, Reimagining Industry Growth. He is also founder of Potomac Core, a strategic consulting firm that specializes in association transformation and industry-focused strategic partnerships. He has built a successful career as an association executive, leading organizations with diverse focus, from manufacturing to high tech to finance and advocacy.

We discuss:

  • An unquenchable thirst for writing [02:10]
  • The bottom of what gets you out of bed in the morning [05:19]
  • A third place between work and home [12:24]
  • Why you don’t want to be a one-year wonder [17:28]
  • Bitten by the bug [21:00]

Learn more about Daniel at https://potomaccore.com

Finding Your Niche at the Intersection of Evolutionary Psychology and Digital Marketing Featuring Tim Ash

Tim Ash is an acknowledged authority on evolutionary psychology and digital marketing. He is a sought-after international keynote speaker, and the bestselling author of Unleash Your Primal Brain and Landing Page Optimization.

We discuss:

  • Great traffic to awful websites [02:52]
  • How to make your transition from corporate to solopreneuership easier [05:15]
  • Why it’s important to not put all your eggs in one basket [07:57]
  • Don’t underestimate what you can do in a day [09:27]
  • How to make billions of stars accessible to people [11:18]
  • Understanding the human brain without any scientific jargon [13:57]
  • How to take advantage of the negativity bias [16:27]
  • Universal applicability versus technical trends [20:05]

Tim has been mentioned by Forbes as a Top-10 Online Marketing Expert, and by Entrepreneur Magazine as an Online Marketing Influencer To Watch. For nineteen years he was the co-founder and CEO of SiteTuners – a digital optimization agency. Tim helped to create over 1.2 billion dollars in value for companies like Google, Expedia, eHarmony, Facebook, American Express, Canon, Nestle, Symantec, Intuit, Humana, Siemens, and Cisco. Please help me welcome Tim Ash!

Learn more about Tim at https://timash.com.

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