Being Proactive with Your Career Pivots Featuring Carolyn Kiel
Carolyn Kiel is a learning design manager at a Fortune 500 company. Prior to working in learning & development, she held roles in change management, risk management, and data governance in the financial services industry.
We discuss:
- How to prepare yourself for career pivots [01:58]
- How to overcome the tendency to be too comfortable on the status quo [03:30]
- Company culture as an obstacle or an opportunity for career development [07:44]
- Beyond those first 6 seconds impressions [11:39]
- The many faces of creating an impact on society [14:34]
- The surprising number of people having a side hustle next to a corporate job [18:07]
- The unspoken expectation about employees’ focus at work [21:21]
- Every interview is a new opportunity [22:28]
Carolyn also hosts the Beyond 6 Seconds podcast, where she has interviewed more than 120 entrepreneurs, CEOs and media personalities about how they’ve overcome obstacles to build their careers and achieve their goals. Carolyn has a bachelor’s degree in Psychology from Vassar College and a master’s degree in Industrial/Organizational Psychology from Fairleigh Dickinson University.
Learn more about Carolyn at, LinkedIn, Instagram and Twitter.
Program Management Consulting Featuring Emily Simas
Emily Simas helps her clients strengthen the core of their organizations by focusing on people and process. An expert in program management and a facilitator by nature, Emily knows how to organize and mobile teams to get exceptional products and services to market.
We discuss:
- The moment when your client gives a title to what you do [02:40]
- The benefits of doing program management as a consultant versus as an employee [05:22]
- Creative solutions to building efficiency, accountability and inspiration within organizations [07:22]
- Common language as a way to break through barriers [10:47]
- Your ideal client is always evolving [14:38]
Emily draws 25 years of experience leading large-scale initiatives for technology companies and non-profits to support a wide range of clients including Adobe, DocuSign, the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission and SF CASA.
Learn more about Emily at
Breaking Through Imposter Syndrome Featuring Michele Molitor
Michele Molitor is the CEO of Nectar Consulting Inc., a certified Rapid Transformational Therapist (RTT), Executive Coach (CPCC) and co-author of the best-selling book “Breakthrough Healing.”
We discuss:
- A combination that creates a truly rapid transformation [01:49]
- The feeling of [not] being enough [04:38]
- Situations when coaches and consultants may be held back [07:05]
- Why successful employees may develop imposter syndrome when becoming entrepreneurs [09:57]
- Another fun fact they don’t tell you when you’re getting trained as a consultant [11:21]
- Your greatest source of pain is your greatest source of power [12:30]
- How to dissolve fear into nothingness [15:43]
- An external sounding board to sort out the internal dialogue [16:50]
- A pattern interrupt to start you moving towards the goal [18:48]
Working with executives and entrepreneurs, Michele is an expert at helping you remove the blocks created by imposter syndrome so you can achieve greater success, well-being, and career satisfaction.
Michele’s unique Rapid Rewiring™ approach is a culmination of years of study to help you catalyze shifts in your thinking and eliminate mental/emotional blocks to rapidly rewire your brain for greater confidence and peace of mind.
Learn more about Michele at
Brief Description of Gift
Masterclass – Keys to Cultivating Your Confidence or a free e-book: Tapping Into Your Power & Presence
URL for Free Gift
How to Create Authority in Your Space Featuring Jeremy Pollack
Jeremy Pollack is a leader in the field of workplace conflict resolution and peacebuilding. He is the Founder of Pollack Peacebuilding Systems, an international conflict resolution consulting firm.
We discuss:
- The solution for coaches and consultants who don’t like marketing [02:17]
- The one thing that stays consistent among the many types of marketing [03:18]
- Why content is so important for consultants and coaches [05:07]
- The importance of SEO as part of the content marketing strategy [05:58]
- How to do SEO without even thinking about it [07:15]
- A way to find peace with yourself and each other [08:40]
- The inner warrior approach to finding your niche [11:46]
- What young coaches can do to become trustworthy professionals [15:11]
- From thirty years of employment to becoming a self-employed consultant or coach [17:39]
- The philosophy behind framing everything through value [22:00]
Jeremy is a master coach, master trainer, mediator, and author. He coaches and trains executives and employees at a variety of levels and industries, from Fortune 500 companies to major non-profits. Jeremy is a regular contributor on the topics of leadership and organizational conflict management to publications such as Forbes, Fast Company, and many more. He is also the author of the recently released book The Conflict Resolution Playbook.
Learn more about Jeremy at and
What Most Online Entrepreneurs Are Doing Wrong Featuring Bobby Klinck
Bobby Klinck is a Harvard Law Grad turned online entrepreneur but he’s NOT your typical lawyer.
We discuss:
- Being here on behalf of the United States of America [02:06]
- Not sad, not depressed, but not happy as well [04:19]
- How giving changes you as a person [08:18]
- The difference between tactical giving and a giver [12:10]
- People don’t buy information but transformation [15:26]
- How coaches can stay ahead of the curve [18:32]
- A weekly walkthrough of Bobby’s wacky life [20:32]
Bobby has built a thriving online business by doing things a bit differently than other people, making the legal and business stuff simple, with a focus on building real connections with real people, instead of thinking of people as potential transactions.
After trying what the “expert” online entrepreneurs were telling him to do, Bobby threw out the “online marketing” rulebook and started marketing his way… by giving, connecting with his audience, and building his brand.
Learn more about Bobby at, LinkedIn and Facebook.
Brief Description of Gift
BADA$$ Online Marketing University
URL for Free Gift
Becoming a High Performing Business Owner Featuring David Wood
David is a former consulting actuary to Fortune 100 companies. He built the world’s largest coaching business, becoming #1 on Google for life coaching and coaching thousands of hours in 12 countries around the globe.
We discuss:
- Why working with entrepreneurs is fun [02:26]
- The best clients don’t need help [04:41]
- How to overcome the shiny object syndrome [07:51]
- How important it is to agree what not to care about [10:00]
- Why people gravitate towards overwhelm [13:21]
- How to sort out and implement an outside input [16:46]
- Monkey say, monkey do [19:20]
- How to find the best fit possible in a time when there are more coaches than ever [22:38]
As well as helping others, David is no stranger to overcoming challenges himself, having survived a full collapse of his paraglider and a fractured spine, witnessing the death of his sister at age seven, anxiety and depression, and a national Gong Show!
He coaches high performing business owners to double revenue, and their time off by focusing on less and being 30% more courageous in their business or career.
Learn more about David at, LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube and Facebook.
Brief Description of Gift
A preview of David’s training for self-assessment and a cheat sheet on how to double your revenue
URL for Free Gift
Becoming Inspired in Your Work and Life Featuring Tony Martignetti
Tony Martignetti is a leadership development expert, entrepreneur, idea generator, and people connector. He brings together practical experience, formal training, and extreme curiosity, to elevate leaders and equip them with the tools to navigate through change and unlock their true potential.
We discuss:
- Leave the room to change the room [02:04]
- The magic world of art, business and science brought together [05:02]
- All about managing the way people see themselves from the core [08:00]
- If you’re willing to feel everything, you can have anything [11:32]
- You have to prepare for a longer hike [12:54]
- That someone who can help you get on the other side [15:27]
- The difference between what employees need versus what entrepreneurs need [16:18]
- It’s not about changing who you are but amplifying who you are [17:50]
- How to create a real focused audience of people who you want to work with [19:07]
- The things that wait to be unleashed [21:14]
Before becoming a coach, Tony was a finance and strategy professional with experience working with some of the world’s leading life sciences companies. Along his journey, he also managed small businesses and ran a financial consulting company.
Tony is the host of The Virtual Campfire podcast and is currently writing his first book, “Climbing the Right Mountain.”
Learn more about Tony at and LinkedIn.
PR Strategy for Consultants and Coaches Featuring Mickie Kennedy
Mickie Kennedy is an expert at helping small businesses, authors, and startups increase their visibility and credibility.
We discuss:
- What you do when you don’t like being told what to do [01:45]
- A hypothesis about changes in technologies [04:53]
- How a newswire works [6:15]
- Why your press release could use some strategies [08:20]
- Small companies with a great number of releases and milestones [09:36]
- It really comes down to relevant stories [10:39]
- Consultants and coaches that gained traction through the press [12:35]
- The challenges to getting noticed for business authors [14:14]
- What non-fiction authors may not know about gaining a following through media [16:14]
- Sometimes the right person to manage the business is not the right person to manage the people [17:17]
- Commitment will make you successful as quickly as possible [18:47]
Mickie founded eReleases twenty-two years ago, after realizing that small businesses desperately need a press release service they can actually afford, giving them access to the media and to a national newswire – all with a personal touch.
Learn more about Mickie at
Brief Description of Gift
A free video training on press release strategies
URL for Free Gift
How Learning Can Lead to Success as a Consultant Featuring Todd Cherches
Todd Cherches is the CEO and cofounder of BigBlueGumball, a NYC-based consulting firm specializing in leadership development, public speaking, and executive coaching, as well as a Founding Partner of the Global Institute for Thought Leadership.
We discuss:
- How to get people to see what we’re saying [01:47]
- The “I can’t draw” syndrome [02:26]
- What if Superman and Batman are already taken [04:39]
- Twin bookworms separated at birth [06:18]
- The three B’s kind of guy [08:05]
- Standing on the shoulders of giants [10:04]
- How to accept defeat with grace [12:39]
- How we are all managers and leaders [15:45]
- It’s not a path, it’s a rollercoaster [17:15]
- The many ways in which one could use their literature background [19:32]
- You can’t coach people against their will [20:50]
- The combined wisdom of a millennial and a baby boomer [22:12]
Todd is also a three-time award-winning Adjunct Professor of leadership at NYU, and a Lecturer on leadership at Columbia University. Todd is also a TEDx speaker, and the author of “VisuaLeadership: Leveraging the Power of Visual Thinking in Leadership and in Life” (Post Hill Press/Simon & Schuster, 2020).
Learn more about Todd at
Brief Description of Gifts
Free PDF download of Todd’s book recommends list, “Todd’s Top 52 Books to Help You Become a More Visual Leader.”
Free PDF download of a chapter from Todd’s book, the “Passion/Skill Matrix.”
URL for Free Gift
Book list link: www.toddcherches/subscribe
Passion/Skill Matrix chapter:
How to Focus on Service and be Well Paid as a Coach Featuring Chris Dorris
Chris Dorris is in the business of Success Coaching. He helps people close the gap between how their lives are and how they want them to be.
We discuss:
- Do what you love, the money will follow [01:19]
- How to overcome the fear of charging more [03:43]
- The correlation between the level of your fee and the ability to get clients [05:09]
- The cheese factor in LinkedIn approaching [07:54]
- The design to maximize the probability of success [09:17]
- How linear the progression from social worker to coach is [10:27]
- The shortcut to stop slowing yourself down [14:55]
- The key to reinforce knowledge in junior golfers [16:39]
- It always goes back to someone’s first decisions [17:58]
Chris started his career as a social worker working on the streets of Atlantic City, helping the mentally ill, drug addicted and homeless populations upgrade their lives. Over the course of those several years, he observed that some of those folks – as a consequence of their belief and their persistence – were able to overcome some pretty serious challenges. That experience, in retrospect, was the perfect foundation for what would become his vocation.
He then decided to marry his passion for the power of the human spirit with his passion for sports. So he moved to Arizona to attend graduate school at Arizona State University. He created an internship with the Men’s Golf Team which evolved into a paid position as the formal Mental Toughness Coach. Over the course of those ten years he really learned a ton about the mechanics of training the mind. His new mission was to coach professional and amateur golfers. And he did that.
Since then, he discovered that the Mental Toughness tools that he was using with many of the world’s greatest athletes were perfectly applicable to many other disciplines beyond sport. Since then, he has trained the minds of world famous actors, NFL and NHL Coaches, business executives, Superbowl Champions and billionaires.
Learn more about Chris at, LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook.
Brief Description of Gift
The Daily Dose: Mental Toughness Tips in 30 Seconds or Less
URL for Free Gift
Consultants: Build Your Pipeline in 90 Days Featuring Ahmad Munawar
Ahmad Munawar is the founder of the 90 Day Pipeline. He helps consultants win 5 & 6 figure deals (no begging for referrals, no networking).
We discuss:
- Necessity is the mother of invention [01:36]
- The times when consultants lose the respect of the client [04:02]
- How desperation makes the business unsustainable [05:50]
- Saying “no” as the hardest but most important skill for entrepreneurs [07:49]
- Why entrepreneurs should think like an investor even though they are not [09:01]
- The biggest mistake consultants make in pricing [11:30]
- Why smaller firms have an agility advantage that the larger firms don’t have [13:44]
- How to sell what you’ve got on the truck [15:20]
- Find the fastest path to cash [17:21]
- Who you want to be when you grow up [19:35]
Learn more about Ahmad at, and Facebook.
How to Pivot Effectively from C-Suite to Coaching Featuring Neil Schambra Stevens
Neil Schambra Stevens is a Business Coach and Strategist, focusing on well-being and productivity in the workplace, especially for the next generation of leadership.
We discuss:
- People as a key motivator for changing career paths [02:25]
- Why things should fall apart [03:56]
- Four principles for dealing with the four major stress triggers in life [06:10]
- The distinction between pivoting away from and pivoting towards something [10:35]
- Why a period of reflection would advance you further in the long term [14:54]
- The emerging generation of leadership [17:39]
- Refreshing ways to overcome the current economic pressures [20:04]
- Creating a ripple of kindness and gratitude [22:50]
Neil draws on over 20 years’ experience as a CMO/VP with Fortune 500 brands and corporations, including Converse, Vans, Levi’s and Polaroid. This experience has highlighted the importance of putting ‘People First’ and encouraging them to be their best selves, both individually and collectively as a team, with particular attention to leading remotely. Originally from the UK, his career path has enabled him to collect life and work experiences along the way across Europe, Asia and US.
Neil believes in simplicity and encourages the principle of “Working from Anywhere’, and currently lives and runs Mercury Jam from a houseboat in Amsterdam.
Learn more about Neil at, LinkedIn and Instagram.
Brief Description of Gift
10% discount for the first 5 people who sign up for 1:1 Business Coaching in February, starting with initial free Discovery Session
URL for Free Gift
Using Publicity to Grow Your Consulting or Coaching Business Featuring Caroline Ceniza-Levine
Caroline Ceniza-Levine is the founder of the Dream Career Club and a career coach, writer, and media personality on job market issues.
We discuss:
- A classical pianist figuring out a career change [02:05]
- The trigger that enables you to leave W-2 income and start business income [04:39]
- How to use publicity to foster your growth [08:12]
- Dedicating time to do something versus doing x, y, z [09:44]
- PR tools to help you structure and gain publicity [11:08]
- If you were advising yourself earlier in your business career [12:41]
- Why we should all have buffer in our schedule [13:55]
- How a publicity plan is different from a marketing plan [14:59]
- The best kind of publicity for consultants and coaches [15:49]
- Mistakes you can make early on in understanding where your audience consumes information [17:11]
- The times when your niche can change [19:00]
Caroline is a Senior Contributor to Forbes Leadership and an adjunct at Columbia University. Caroline helps experienced professionals in tech, media, financial services and other industries make a great living doing work they love.
Learn more about Caroline at
Brief Description of Gift
Free publicity calendar – 40 pages of timely topics to land media placement
URL for Free Gift
How to Get More Traffic and Conversions for Your Content Featuring Daniel Daines-Hutt
Daniel Daines-Hutt is a self-confessed ‘marketing nerd.’ He has a background in Direct Response advertising, but ironically, it’s his Content Marketing that people know him for.
We discuss:
- Cracking the code of getting people to read, listen or watch your content [02:21]
- Pre-framing problems and objections in advance [03:40]
- The goal of your content [05:13]
- The Ikea effect: building a bigger audience [07:38]
- Strategies behind before and after launching an article [10:07]
- No one wants to eat in an empty restaurant [11:49]
- Selling content on autopilot [13:10]
- Why Google gives higher rankings when we remove thin content [14:11]
- Different business, same techniques [16:42]
- A Netflix of everything content marketing [18:22]
- The unexpected effect of stopping marketing during a pandemic [19:43]
He’s had the Top 10 content of all time on and Top content of 2017 and 2018 on GrowthHackers. With only 8 articles in years, he’s been referenced or shared by: Ryan Deiss, Neil Patel, Joanna Weibe, Glen Allsopp, Co-Schedule,
Active Campaign and many more.
He teaches people how to write less often, but get more traffic at
Learn more about Daniel at
Developing Your Platform as an Author Featuring Dan Blank
Dan Blank is the founder of where he helps writers develop a human-centered approach to marketing and reaching their readers.
We discuss:
- How we would have written the headline 50 years ago [02:40]
- Ways people are missing the boat when it comes to marketing their creativity [05:03]
- Why you should be promoting your competitors to your customers [09:27]
- The art kid who carved out a blogging role for himself [11:18]
- A pyramid of clarity cards [13:14]
- Loving working with people who love their work [14:54]
- How the web is changing publishing [16:30]
- The biggest sigh of relief [19:04]
- A marketing campaign that gives your work the best shot [21:10]
- What’s bigger than you in 10 years from now [22:45]
Learn more about Dan at, Instagram, Twitter and Facebook.
Focus on Results Featuring Gabe Arnold
Gabe Arnold is the Founder & CEO of Business Marketing Engine. He is known as a serial problem-solver.
We discuss:
- Entrepreneurship is not a single-skill set [02:38]
- How to filter inputs that will [not] help you [06:02]
- How to accept or ignore a critique on your selling skills [09:04]
- Worrying about selling first and delivering second [11:36]
- Why you are creating a disservice when you’re putting out a free program [16:04]
- The effective hourly client facing rate [18:02]
- A customized approach with a focus on one primary area [20:45]
With 22 years of experience in professional writing, computer technology and marketing management, it’s a title that fits him well. He’s helped over a thousand young startups grow and establish enterprises. He has dedicated his life to finding ways to help teams of all sizes create effective results-based organizational models. Gabe created his first million-dollar product, Copywriter Today, in 2014 and has continued to scale and grow from there. Behind these successes lies a person who values personal relationships and living life to the fullest. He strives to create an environment of trust and open communication with his team and clients. Gabe believes that the people who make a lasting positive effect in this world are those who choose kindness, love and respect above all else.
Learn more about Gabe at, Facebook and LinkedIn.
Building a $1 Million Expert Business Featuring Kathy Goughenour
After finding the courage to say “bye-bye” to her corporate marketing career, Kathy Goughenour built a 6-figure Virtual Assistant business from her tiny house in the middle of a forest. Today, she teaches professional women how to create their own work-at-home Virtual Assistant and Virtual Expert® businesses so they too can enjoy the freedom, flexibility, and financial security they desire and deserve.
We discuss:
- The biggest challenge virtual assistants have [02:19]
- How to figure out there is an opportunity for a particular audience [06:29]
- Where consultants and coaches get stuck most often [09:07]
- The shift that happens with your team once you’ve hit the million-dollar plateau [11:01]
- Embracing numbers instead of hating them [16:14]
- If your dreams don’t scare you, they are not big enough [18:08]
- How to keep money flowing even when the world has stopped [20:35]
Learn more about Kathy at
Product Discovery Consulting Featuring Jim Morris
Jim Morris co-founded PowerReviews which grew to 1,200+ clients and sold for $168 million. He product-managed and architected one of the first ecommerce engines at online retailer which had a $450 million IPO.
We discuss:
- The need for product discovery [02:06]
- Choose your own adventure [05:42]
- Why product discovery is so important for the software industry [07:30]
- The secret behind Zoom’s success in a time of pandemic [09:43]
- The time is now for every company [11:18]
- The best companies where product discovery works well [12:52]
- The wrong things product teams focus on [14:37]
- A reflective process with multiple solutions [17:08]
- From shepherding a concept through a process to becoming a subject-matter expert [21:56]
- A pattern-matching ability that translates theory into practice [23:38]
- Unlocking innovation in companies and potential in employees [25:46]
These days, he coaches Product teams and Product leaders at startups and corporations to replicate this success. He’s created a custom curriculum and training program that pulls from his 25 years of experience and the best minds in Product Management. He graduated from Stanford University with a BS in Computer Science.
Learn more about Jim at and Twitter.
Brief Description of Gift
A free 15-minute review of your website or app prototype
URL for Free Gift
Higher Level Transformation is More Profitable Featuring Jennie Nash
Jennie Nash is the founder and CEO of Author Accelerator, a company on a mission to raise the bar on book coaching.
We discuss:
- A writer’s approach that makes all the difference [01:54]
- Helping a dream come true with no promises [04:05]
- The outcome is usually not the thing itself [07:10]
- Why [sports] people need a coach [09:53]
- How to charge as a business owner versus as a friend [11:20]
- How to have a ridiculously successful hit rate [15:03]
- Why it gets better after breaking through the one-million-dollar plateau [20:02]
- The opportunity that lies in what you’re angry at [22:31]
Author Accelerator has trained more than 60 book coaches to support writers through the entire creative process. Her own coaching clients have landed top New York agents and six figure book deals with Big 5 houses. Jennie is the author of 9 books in 3 genres, including Read Books All Day and Get Paid for It: The Business of Book Coaching.
Learn more about Jennie at and
Brief Description of Gift
Top ten tips for writers
Free series of videos about book coaching
URL for Free Gift
Creating Opportunities that are Grounded in Your Principles Featuring Merritt Minnemeyer
Merritt Minnemeyer, ACC, CPC, ELI-MP, is the Founder of Master of One Coaching, which serves visionary founders transforming into powerful leaders of purpose-driven movements.
We discuss:
- Choose well, choose wisely, choose love [2:01]
- A guiding principle that creates a third option [12:25]
- Walking the walk of social entrepreneurship [14:25]
- How to turn around an employee’s mind and get them invested in the longevity of the company [18:39]
- Freedom to fail as a way to navigate a transition [20:24]
Merritt is a highly trained coach and speaker who employs 20 years in business, education, social justice, and the arts to create high-touch leadership programs for every client. Passionate about social entrepreneurship, Merritt is committed to contributing to the health, wealth, and harmony of the world. She shares her life with her remarkable husband, their three vibrant boys, and a menagerie of critters.
Learn more about Merritt at
Brief Description of Gift
A free seven-day leadership journal
A 10 % affiliate fee commission for anybody who refers a client to Merritt
URL for Free Gift
Top Communication Skills for Consultants Featuring Meredith Bell
Meredith Bell is co-founder and President of Performance Support Systems, a global software company. Their award-winning assessment and development tools help leaders and team members become more effective performers. Many clients have done business with her company for more than 20 years.
We discuss:
- Lack of communication skills in a time full of communication tools [2:12]
- The foundational skill that will make your interactions amazing [5:20]
- The consequences of not listening effectively [7:42]
- Asking questions versus offering opinions [9:43]
- What most effective consultants do [11:43]
- How to improve someone’s listening skills without criticizing them [13:33]
- The confidence to start a conversation over again [19:23]
- The balance necessary to form relationships based on openness and honesty [22:02]
Meredith is author or co-author of two books. Her solo book is Strong for Performance: Create a Culture with Learning & Development Programs That Stick. She co-authored Connect with Your Team: Mastering the Top 10 Communication Skills, with Denny Coates, her business partner of 30 years.
Learn more about Meredith at
Brief Description of Gift
A free e-book, Listen Like a Pro
URL for Free Gift
Why Audio Quality Is Important for Creatives Featuring Zachariah Moreno
Zachariah Moreno is the co-founder, CEO and CTO of SquadCast. He is a technologist, podcaster, author, and co-founder of SquadCast. Zach and his team are on a mission to connect creatives.
We discuss:
- Why developing only a product is not enough [1:34]
- A side project that turns into a unique tool focused on quality and reliability [3:54]
- When you don’t know that you’ve actually found a product fit [7:14]
- A big leap of faith [8:41]
- How audio quality impacts credibility [12:30]
- Major differentiators for improving audio quality [16:00]
- Creative opportunities to foster collaboration outside the studio [19:39]
Learn more about Zachariah at
Brief Description of Gift
A promo code to get 10 dollars off your first month in addition to a 7-day free trial – STP2020
URL for Free Gift
Improve Your Influence Featuring Stacey Hanke
Stacey Hanke is author of the book “Influence Redefined: Be the Leader You Were Meant to Be, Monday to Monday”. She has trained and presented to thousands to rid business leaders of bad body language habits and to choose words wisely. She’s worked with leaders at FedEx, Nationwide, Boeing and Oracle. She is a Certified Speaking Professional – a valuable accreditation earned by less than 10% of speakers worldwide.
We discuss:
- Why most people believe they’re more influential than they really are [1:56]
- How to understand how influential you really are [3:27]
- The importance of silent observers for getting an honest feedback [7:20]
- The gift you don’t want to receive [9:06]
- The best way to grow and develop for free [10:50]
- The three key drivers of influence [12:07]
- The true test of a leader’s influence [14:19]
- How consultants and coaches can achieve an athlete’s level of awareness [16:15]
- The big step is momentum and repetition [20:01]
- The video camera doesn’t lie [22:46]
Learn more about Stacey at,, and YouTube.
How to Use Hype When You Hate Self-Promotion Featuring Michael F. Schein
Michael F. Schein is the founder and president of MicroFame Media, a marketing agency that specializes in making idea-based companies famous in their fields.
We discuss:
- What marketing is really all about [3:53]
- The Hype man: reverse-engineering as a way to make people take an action [8:22]
- Milk before meat [10:13]
- Hustle, hustle, hustle [13:50]
- If only people saw how good your product is [15:57]
- What makes negative hype artists so good at what they do [19:55]
- Why you need to make sure you don’t gravitate only toward people like you [23:33]
He is also the author of The Hype Handbook: 12 Indispensable Success Secrets from the World’s Greatest Propagandists, Self-Promoters, Cult Leaders, Mischief Makers, and Boundary Breakers, published by McGraw Hill, that will appear everywhere books are sold on January 12, 2021.
Learn more about Michael at, and TheHypeHandbook.
Multiply Your Success with Interns Featuring Matt Zinman
Matt Zinman is a difference-maker devoted to personally enrich the lives of at least 100 million people by 2025.
We discuss:
- How interns could be helpful when going through a major transition [1:32]
- Putting earned confidence in action [6:27]
- Hiring interns versus hiring virtual assistants [8:30]
- Ways to use interns as a multiplier [9:30]
- Overcoming business challenges with a no-quit attitude [12:56]
- Why it’s important to have a Plan B [14:14]
- The impact plan: changing the lives of at least 100 million people by 2025 [15:10]
- A snapshot of your life [18:10]
His new book, “Z-isms: Insights to Live By” is based on his experiences as an entrepreneur, athlete, single parent, caregiver and nonprofit founder. He is also the host of “Insights to Live By,” a podcast that invites guests to share their own pearls of wisdom. In addition, Matt is CEO of The Internship Institute, which he established in 2007 to “Make Experience Matter.”
Learn more about Matt at, and
Brief Description of Gift
Free Self-care Report Card
URL for Free Gift